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The S factor explains Bush's popularity

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Bhaisahab Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 12:37 AM
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The S factor explains Bush's popularity
"What can explain his popularity? Can that many people be enamored of what he has accomplished in Iraq? Of how he has fortified our constitutional freedoms with the USA Patriot Act? Of how he has bolstered our economy? Of how he has protected our environment? Perhaps they've been impressed with the president's personal integrity and the articulation of his grand vision for America?"
"Granted, there are certain subsections of the American polity that have substantially benefited from this presidency. Millionaires and charismatic Christians have accrued either material or spiritual fortification from Bush's administration. But surely these two groups are a small minority of the population. What, then, can account for so many people being so supportive of the president?

The answer, I'm afraid, is the factor that dare not speak its name. It's the factor that no one talks about. The pollsters don't ask it, the media don't report it, the voters don't discuss it.

I, however, will blare out its name so that at last people can address the issue and perhaps adopt strategies to overcome it.

It's the "Stupid factor," the S factor: Some people -- sometimes through no fault of their own -- are just not very bright."

in my view, more than the S factor, its the A factor that gives him a pass time after time. A for Apathy.

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eleny Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 12:41 AM
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1. Mike Malloy has been saying this ever since shrub was selected!
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BeFree Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 12:55 AM
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2. Third party n America?
yeah it's the A.S.S. Party

Apathetic Stupid Sheeple... the majority.
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Virginian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 01:17 AM
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3. Are they really stupid or
Are they so over worked that all they have time for is the occasional sound bite?

The neo-cons and millionaires with an agenda like him because of what he has done for them. The others, I don't think they are all stupid, I think some of them just don't have time to figure out the truth.

They think there is a "leave no child behind" policy to improve the schools, they don't realize that with inadequate funding, it is only a method to make the public schools look like they are failing so the voucher program can be initiated to eliminate the public school as we know it. Public schools might cause kids to grow up to be liberals, and that has to be eradicated.

Bush gave us a brand new Medicare system that includes Rx drugs. Isn't that wonderful! (Sarcasm)

Bush saved us from evildoers like Osaddama bin Who's sane. He caught that evildoer that flew one of those planes into the World Trade Center. The same guy who was going to drop a nukular bomb on New York city. (Pretend stupidity)
OK, maybe it IS the S factor... or maybe it is the L factor. They are just to lazy to find the truth. I hold out hope that it is the T factor, not enough time, because I would hate to think so many Americans are so Stupid and Lazy not to know that Bush is screwing us royally.
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TruthIsAll Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 01:29 AM
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4. No, it's the ignorance, stupid!
Consider the average person as having average intelligence, 100 IQ.

It's not stupidity, but the lack of information. It's the media whoring for Bush. It's the media scared and greedy. It's the polls fixed to make Bush look good.

Its everything but the truth. Once the people are aware, Bush better beware.

Truth Is All
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SoCalDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 02:21 AM
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5. People also think * "pulled himself up by the bootstrap"
I have heard , more times than I like to remember, people saying that George worked his way up from nothing.. He lived in Midland.. He was not well to do..


His family has MONEY..always had.. He was merely acting the part.. Rich guy, "humbles" himself to win over the local yokels.. Did he & Laura ever have to not pay the electric, in order to pay the rent?? Did they drive old beat up cars because they HAD to?? Did Laura buy yard sale clothes for the twins??

They were ACTING.. they always have been acting..

Rich kids all over the place like to think that they did it on their own, but it's never the case..

They always had the peace of mind that comes with knowing that if you want to buy a house, Mummy & Daddy will gladly "help you out", or if a kid getsa sick, you can always takew them to the very best doctors..

and when you get tired of "playing house" with the riff-raff" you can always go back to Kennebunkport to chill out.. Dad'll send a private jet for you too..

Bush has always had a safety net under his ass, and every venture he ever undertook (except for the boozing & drugs), was GIVEN to him, and when he screwed it up, someone was always ready to bail him out..

Some of his "faithful" seem to think that he did it all on his own..

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