Quote from Bush today?
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Tue Jan-13-04 01:50 AM
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Does anyone have the quote from Bush today when the reported asked him about Iraq being planed in the first days if his administration? Something about flying crap, and operation birdbrain in Iraq or something. It was hilarious.
frank frankly
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Tue Jan-13-04 01:51 AM
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1. here it is--maybe you can help us figure out what a "desert badger" is! |
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Tue Jan-13-04 01:52 AM
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2. i heard that on the radio |
"people flying over, and under and around" " we are just continuing a mission"
basically he blamed clinton using his goofy ass gorilla logic..
what an idiot.
Webster Green
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Tue Jan-13-04 01:55 AM
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5. OMG!......I can't stop laughing! |
Just read the entire quote. Holy shit!
What a fucking idiot!
One Taste
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Tue Jan-13-04 01:52 AM
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desert badgers in Iraq:smoke: :wtf:
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Tue Jan-13-04 01:52 AM
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"Operation Badger" I dont remember the exact quote. There was another thread here earlier
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:29 AM
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