Kerry Responds to O'Neill Iraq Charges
Former Bush Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill has charged that planning for a war against Iraq began just days after Bush took office in 2001, more than two years before the actual invasion. White House spokesman Scott McClellan would not confirm or deny O'Neill's charge.
John Kerry issued the following statement in response to Secretary O'Neill's Iraq charges:
Des Moines, Iowa -- “These are very serious charges by a former high ranking Administration official. We already knew the Administration failed to focus on the threat from Osama Bin Laden and Al Queda. We already knew the Administration broke every promise they made to work through the U.N., use the resolution to enforce inspections, build a coalition, and plan for peace. But Secretary O’Neill’s revelations would mean the Administration never intended to even try to keep those promises. It would mean they were dead-set on going to war alone since almost the day they took office and deliberately lied to the American people, Congress, and the world. It would mean that for purely ideological reasons they planned on putting American troops in a shooting gallery occupying an Arab country almost alone. The White House needs to answer these charges truthfully because they threaten to shatter their already damaged credibility as never before.”
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By DickBell on January 10, 2004 at 10:11 PM
John Kerry on TV on Sunday
See why John Kerry's gaining momentum in Iowa when he joins Tim Russert this Sunday, Jan. 11th, on NBC's Meet the Press. Check local listings for the exact time.
John Kerry will participate in the Brown and Black Forum in Des Moines, IA on Sunday, January 11th. This debate is sponsored by MSNBC and the Iowa Brown and Black Presidential Forum.
The debate will air live on MSNBC and on Telemundo International from 8-10 PM Eastern Standard Time, and will also air on Telemundo, C-SPAN, and the Major Broadcasting Corporation at a later date. The debate will be aired on Telemundo and Telemundo International in Spanish. Check local listings for the exact time.
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By DickBell on January 10, 2004 at 06:38 PM
Kerry: What Bush Can't See
John Kerry issued this statement in response to President Bush's rosy claims about the state of the nation's economy in Bush's weekly radio address.
Des Moines, IA – “Today, in his radio address President Bush had the audacity to tell the nation that his tax cuts for the wealthy “got this economy going again.” It’s just more proof that President Bush’s former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill was right. As this Bush-league, jobless recovery continues, George Bush looks at the economy like “a blind man in a room full of deaf people.”
“The President can’t see that on his watch 29,000 manufacturing jobs in Iowa have disappeared, while his Administration rewards Benedict Arnold corporations with billions of dollars in federal contracts and tax incentives to take jobs overseas and profits offshore. The President turns a blind eye to Iowa’s seniors who suffer with the lowest Medicare reimbursement rate in the country, while the Administration rewards $139 million in lobbying by the drug companies with $139 billion in windfall profits from a Medicare destruction bill.”
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By DickBell on January 10, 2004 at 03:54 PM
First Two Iowa Newspaper Endorsements Go to Kerry
Iowa's newspapers are starting to weigh in, and the first two papers to endorse, the Iowa City Press-Citizen and the Quad-City Times, both chose John Kerry.
The Iowa City Press-Citizen told its readers today that " Democrats should back John Kerry." According to the editors,
"Of the nine Democrats seeking the nomination, Kerry possesses the right experiences to best serve as president, particularly with American troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan and considering our nation's increasingly uneasy relationship with long-standing allies."
The editors also liked Kerry's health care plan, and praised his economy plan
"...for balancing the federal budget not by massive harsh cuts to programs or through outlandish tax hikes that hurt everyday Americans, but by developing our economy and hence increasing our tax revenues."
The Quad-City Times says this year is "A Time for John Kerry." The editors said that all the candidates spoke well, but that John Kerry was different:
"Kerry listens. He ponders questions, asks follow-ups and answers thoughtfully. He appears to be continually learning...
"That quality and an extraordinary record of public service make him the best potential president among the crop of contenders in Iowa."
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By DickBell on January 10, 2004 at 03:07 PM