Perhaps it might change people too naive and on the borderline of considering war as a normal option. On the other hand many people can't change, too many become numb and brutalized and sucked into the various evils, even just by witnessing events. It forever darkens one's hopes and world view when in the balance(which is how the warmongers manipulate it)it is just a gigantic stupidity and collective failure. The actual bloodshed and soldier experience often drowns out the ability to see war for what it totally is and prevent future ones. TV is a remote, deceptive substitute with its on/off button and editing.
After WWI, rich jerk officers were alarmed that war educated soldiers would come steaming home determined on social shakeup and democratic reform. So they made the American legion to sidetrack the emotions and the anger into other directions, instead turning them into a pro-war, pro establishment force. Others simply became alienated, or worse, from the society back home whom the horrors of war affected so indirectly that little sound good came of their own reactions. American isolationism too became a GOP tool that both caused WWII and nearly doomed the US and the free world to fall into corporate militaristic slavery. Everyone learns, but most miss the point and no application has been perfect because of the horrors of war. The cycle is endlessly self-repeating. Everyone gets sucked in.
To leave the example a moment. The great mystic Teresa of Avila preferred an intelligent confessor to a holy priest of repute because their judgment was sound and did more good while the other did well-intentioned harm. Compassion and intelligence surpasses actual experience though it is also invaluable and authentic to have both. Do we need to see a cancer victim to change our lives? Many do, but for the thoughtful it is not a necessity. In fact, the trauma may simply pass on thought blocking permanent damage that blocks educational value. Eventually some have gone after the tobacco company villains, but people still smoke.
What are you going to do about the careless people who need to have their face rubbed in it- if that would do any good? What about the veterans whose experience you have not shared? It's a common human problem far beyond the issue of war itself and war despite its incredible horror, just one sad lesson unlearned among many.