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"Mad Crowd" Disease Is Here!

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Paxdora Donating Member (223 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 11:47 AM
Original message
"Mad Crowd" Disease Is Here!
"Mad Crowd Disease" Is Here: Part One

Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill said the president (the figurehead, GWBush) balked at his (O'Neill's) more aggressive plan to combat corporate crime after a string of accounting scandals because of opposition from "the corporate crowd,'' a key constituency. This is a shocking admission which clearly reveals that, for the Bush b-administration to maintain its political success and domination, corporate interest must hold a much higher priority than the ethical interests of ordinary mortals.

Corporate interest, without any question, has proved to be an unchecked virus that's spreading like wildfire over the planet, the greatest threat to the Earth, its people and all life short of a cataclysmic asteroid collision. When the corporate sector influences politics and buys its way into government policy-making, it effectively removes We the People from the process of self-determination, rightfully governing ourselves so that ALL people can enjoy Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

The "Corporate Crowd" are like tyrannical brats who, typically, want to enjoy all the privileges of "personhood" (adulthood) without assuming any of the responsibilities that automatically come with it (juvenile delinquency). The "Corporate Crowd" has stealthily managed to corrupt capitalism (fair market, competition) to the point where it has morphed into Corporatism (free market, monopolization). The former system held to rules and regulations made by sovereign human citizens; the latter evades and scoffs at rules and regulations, changes them through political bribery, bullying, cronyism and nepotism - all under the protective armor of "personhood" citizenship.

If this is allowed to continue unchecked, the entire world may once again be reduced to living under a revised kind of feudal system (worse than slavery - slaves were at least fed, clothed and sheltered by their "masters") - but this time the "liege lords" may be just a handful of remaining giant umbrella corporations, the victorious 'kings of the mountain' after decades of global-monopoly takeovers and mergers. The Dark Ages will have returned once more, with a triple-fold vengeance - billions of unemployed and unemployable people, starving, homeless, sickened and diseased. No more "living off the land" in self-sufficiency, no more access to truthful information or free communication, no more open borders or free roads, no place to run and nowhere to hide. The regression to this state is not only logical, but inevitable...because the tyrannical liege lords are NOT HUMAN, they are immortal corpses, the "undead", with no interest in anything but the flow of 'blood' that keeps them going - perpetual profits. The Elite of that world are its fat parasites, sucking their allotted manna from the bloated corpses via lavish stock dividends and nefarious monte games held behind closed boardroom doors. They've no concerns about human penury and its harsh discomforts, being quite unacquainted with such things; their main concerns are perpetuating the longevity of their host and increasing the lucrative favors they reap from that relationship.

How could this ever happen? Simply because the interests of the current "corporate crowd" are so very far removed from the vital interests of humanity as a whole, so very detached from questions about the sustainability of Earth's natural resources and processes - of symbiosis and balance, the natural cycles of death and rebirth, the necessary curbs on a few for the gain of all, etc. The psychological term for such intellectual and emotional detachment from the realities of the natural world, in flesh-and-blood humans, would be called "psychosis" (synonym: insanity). Furthermore, if one were to add the characteristics of amoral greed, irresponsibility, lack of remorse or shame, perverse or reckless (often criminal) antisocial behavior, these serious defects would suffice for permitting a clinical diagnosis of "psychopathic personality" disorder. Following the above definitions, it makes perfect sense to see how the "personhood" of any given corporation may or may not be deemed "psychotic", or even "psychopathic", according to its political activities and manic implementation furthering its vested interests.

From observing the ways in which the "corporate crowd" of this recent era have been systematically behaving, the description of "psychotic" is more than apt. This "corporate crowd" is quite literally insane. A more suitable nomenclature would be the "mad crowd"; and, because their underhanded practices and political manipulations are succeeding so well, so free of resistance or restraint, more and more companies are lured into that malevolent compulsion. It has become a pathological contagion, very much like a virus, but it's a memetic virus, spread culturally rather than organically.

Why not just call it what it is, this cultural disease of our laissez-faire Corporatist culture? "Corporate crowd" influence (yellow alert) has jumped to the next higher level ( orange alert) - "Mad Crowd Disease" is actually here and flourishing

If the "Mad Crowd" disease takes over completely, and some Corporate Junta finally becomes our new World Government, we won't be getting any red alerts, ever. We'll all be no more than basic inventory in the Company Store.

Can we ordinary humans come up with an antidote for the "Mad Crowd Disease"?


But we'll have to wait for the next installment - unless we each begin to FOCUS and work on possible solutions right now. So start writing, folks...genius often lurks in neglected corners of the mind.

Heading for the hills won't help anyone...not at all...

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tom_paine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 11:51 AM
Response to Original message
1. A little over the top...but very well said.
Though I don't think it is a realtively new occurrance. The Wealthy have been using everyone else as Toilet Paper since human history began. We were spoiled by living in post-WWII egalitarian Republic.

We don't live there anymore. That aberration in history is over and it's time to get down to business.
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Paxdora Donating Member (223 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 11:58 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. Thanks, but...
It's not just about the wealthy, it's about Corporatism and it's systematic takeover of the so-called democratic process. It started a long time ago, true, but now it is going ahead full-blast, without any checks and balances thanks to the right-wing agenda. They really are MAD! Stark-raving lunatics...
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Jim Sagle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 11:54 AM
Response to Original message
2. Welcome to DU, Paxdora. That's as good a summary of what's wrong
and how it may only get much worse as I've ever read anywhere. It's worth submitting to DU for publication.
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Paxdora Donating Member (223 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 12:01 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. Thanks, Jim
"It's worth submitting to DU for publication."

So how does one go about doing that? I'm new here and don't know the protocols.
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opihimoimoi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 12:04 PM
Response to Reply #2
5. You should be writing for a living.
A very good synopsis. Madness rules. Greed rules. Our system based on selfishness, emotion, and fantasy. WRONG.

We went to war to get the Iraq Gov't to change? To What?? Ours? So the Corp People can sink their fangs into Iraq too? Boy, are we fucked or not?

Come, lemme pour you some Sanity and Reason, water back.
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Paxdora Donating Member (223 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 12:10 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Ahhhh...Sanity & Reason
I'll drink to that!


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info being Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 12:16 PM
Response to Original message
7. That's great...but the way you close it is unrealistic
I've tried several times to offer up alternative ideas...I think even to you (your name sounds familiar). But all you guys ever want to do is talk about what's wrong and how we need to do something.

Writing is not doing something. Writing is only the very first step.
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Paxdora Donating Member (223 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 12:27 PM
Response to Reply #7
9. Unrealistic?
Writing down ideas for change? Yeah, that's a first step...and it's going towards a goal - if the goal is STATED clearly.

I do have some concrete steps in mind for correcting a BIG mistake made back in the 1800's when the word "person" was legally granted to a corporation. But it requires big-time lawyers and tons of money - which I ain't got, no way. But I do believe there is a movement afoot.

Stay tuned...
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Oggy Donating Member (652 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 12:20 PM
Response to Original message
8. Scarey
And well written. I need to buy my small holding, some chickens, and get away from all this madness :-)
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Paxdora Donating Member (223 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 01:14 PM
Response to Original message
10. A Primer on Corporate Personhood
What is Corporate Personhood?

Original Corporate Charters

Have corporations always had “personhood?”

Human Rights, Then & Now

How does Corporate Personhood affect the average citizen? Is this something to really be concerned about?

How can Corporate Personhood be abolished?
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Paxdora Donating Member (223 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 01:27 PM
Response to Reply #10
11. Corporism: another word for "Mad Crowd" Disease
"Corporism: The Systemic Disease that Destroys Civilization." by Ken Reiner


"It can now be seen that the root of our national crisis is the system that was designed to enfranchise only propertied white males. That system, Corporism, refined and perfected by the robber barons in 1886 and beyond by the Supreme Court's establishment of the rule of Americans by public corporations, effectively takes the wealth of the many and funnels it to the few. The kind of economic and political growth that Corporism engenders, under the unitary law of profit over people and place, is leading our nation and the world toward a totally inhuman, anti-environmental state. That in turn is leading more and more people throughout the world to blame our country for their suffering, with many seeking our demise by one means or another.

We are now in exceedingly dire straits, and it is imperative that we understand how these forces improperly controlling the world developed, and continue to grow, right under our eyes, right here in this country. To contribute to an understanding of how this happened is the purpose of this essay.

THE FOUNDERS of our democracy regarded corporations as pariahs. The Boston Tea Party and our ensuing American Revolution had the primary purpose of freeing us from the domination of the British Crown and the Crown's corporations, which ruled the colonies in the Eighteenth Century. Originally the states chartered public corporations for limited terms of years and specific operations. Our founders insisted that these limited-purpose corporations were creations of the people and could be shut down by the people.

Since the Civil War, however, America's public corporations have developed and grown dynamically. In 1886, in Santa Clara County vs. Southern Pacific Railroad, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court was reported to have declared that the court regarded corporations as "persons" under the Fourteenth Amendment, although the court did not so hold in its decision. That amendment had been adopted to guarantee formerly-enslaved blacks the full protections of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It had not been written with corporations in mind. The doctrine that corporations, like persons, have personal constitutional rights is strictly judge-made law without the authority or awareness, and against the interests of, the people. Once the public corporations had been granted these rights--extending eventually to almost all personal constitutional rights--they escaped the control of the states and gained powers that our founders thought had been revoked forever.

If we are to reclaim the democracy we have lost because of these court decisions, this gross error must be corrected. As Justice William O. Douglas stated in a famous 1948 Supreme Court dissent: "If they (the people) want corporations to be treated as humans are treated, if they want to grant corporations this large degree of emancipation from state regulation, they should say so. The Constitution provides a method by which they may do so. We should not do it for them through the guise of interpretation. I can only conclude that the Santa Clara case was wrong, and should be overruled."

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