Will the author of this post please stand up
God Bless Our Courageous President......... george, you're a son of a bitch You're a bastard. You're a jerk. You're a traitor. and dictator.also a retard and an embarrassment. and a drunken, drug addled punk. You're a sissy, mamma's boy, and you're dumber than your daddy. You're a wimp like him too. your mom must be a real bitch to have raised up a bunch of leeches and parasites like she did.she's more of a man than you or your dad together, and that's not a compliment. You're a liar of the worst kind, and you're a two face. you are not a godly man at all, but a hypocrite of rare distinction. you will go down in history as a failed moron like your dad, only worse. you've never read a real book in your life. you were an F student who got a C from your daddy's contributions to yale. You're a draft dodger and a deserter. You're a blowhard prick, and you can't understand reporter's questions. you've never had a real job, and wouldn't make it past one month if you did have one. you'd be fired as an incompetent. you've had everything handed to you, and you don't even appreciate what you've got. You're a snob, and an inbred effete fop. plus you have a stupid face. you look like an ape, and when you talk, you talk like an ape. you don't have any real ideas in your head, and you have no knowledge of the world other than what your told by your babysitters that your dad hired to surround you. you'd lose a debate with a 12 year old.you're vile and insipid. mundane and dimwitted. You're the dullest knife in the bush drawer. when god was handing out brains you thought he said trains and stood there waiting. you are against a woman's right to choose, but you had one of your staffers pay for your girlfriends abortion. you snorted up half of peru and you smuggled drugs by the ton. you drank a river of jack daniels and you lied about being sober. you stole the presidency with your father's help and you skated through your whole life on your last name. you knew 9-11 was coming and you went to hide on the pig farm to be prepared for it, and didn't warn the victims. you let them die by the thousands and then stood there at ground zero playing the hero. you promised you'd get the perps dead or alive and then you utterly abandoned the hunt. you are a whore of the sleaziest kind, and you worship manna, not jesus. you defile the name of christ, and you pretend to be a religious man. you know jesus wouldnt' bomb babies, but you tell the easily fooled born agains that lie.you talk bad about hitler, but it was hitler and your grandpa prescott that made your family billionaires. you took money from the bin ladens to help your oil company and then you couldn't find oil in texas. you stole money from retirees and laughed all the way to the bank. you hugged the widows of soldiers and 9-11 victim's families knowing that you could have saved them. you are a heartless, cold, reptilian cocksucker.you have no soul, yet you attend church and carry a bible around.you stink, you suck, and you make us all sick. you will be remembered as the worst president the nation ever suffered through, and your name will be synonymous with failure and greed and ineptitude. you have invited the world's ire, and hatred.you have disgraced all the founding fathers and every citizen who ever gave their life for democracy and liberty. You're a confederate asshole and a racist. you can barely hide your fear and loathing of black people. you pissed on the bill of rights and you shit on the constitution. your name will be scraped off monuments and your statues will be toppled and broken up into gravel. you've brought down hellfire on innocent people without so much as an apology. you now prepare to bring suffering and agony to millions all for your trillionaire, warpig pals.there is oil in your veins instead of blood. i hope your happy george. your a real son of a bitch. fuck you. fuck your dad, and fuck your mom. fuck your nazi grandpa and your effeminate giddy father the c.i.a. monster. fuck your brother jeb, and fuck your ugly wife. fuck your whole family.you have fucked america and now america is saying fuck you george. kiss my bitter patriotic ass you son of a bitch.