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told ya they were gonna steal california...let the brainwashing begin.

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Sperk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 08:12 PM
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told ya they were gonna steal california...let the brainwashing begin.
couln't get on DU this afternoon so I decided to lurk around FR.
this is the beginning of the brainwashing...bush wins CA...arnold helps, hispanic vote, blah, blah, blah...

poll shows bush beating dean in california

The survey, conducted by Probolsky Research, finds Bush winning a majority of votes, or 50.9 percent. Dean garnered 35.4 percent, while 3.7 percent of respondents would choose a candidate other than Bush or Dean. Ten percent said they were not sure.

Bush does better with men than women voters, with 55.3 percent of those polled choosing to re-elect the president. Dean took in 33 percent of the men surveyed. Of the women polled, Bush received 46.8 percent of the vote, while Dean was favored by 38.5 percent.

snip (continue on and you'll see his repug connections)
So who is Probolsky??? guessed it....a repug activists...
do you see the rovian scheme beginning you understand? They'll make sure he gets the popular vote this time too...


Adam D. Probolsky is president of Probolsky Research; an Orange County, California based firm specializing in opinion research.

Mr. Probolsky's involvement in business and government communities allows him to maintain quality relationships with elected officials and staff members at all levels of government.

Research conducted by Mr. Probolsky has been featured on FoxNews Channel, the Los Angeles Times, the Orange County Register and dozens of other newspapers and other periodicals.


I'm sorry folks, I love all the debating about the canidates and all...but it is all for not...the fix is many times can we allow the "impossible" to happen???

What can we do????? get over to and sign Mrs. Mariani petition. Only Bars will keep these bastards from ruining our country.
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AndyTiedye Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-13-04 08:58 PM
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1. Could we have an up-side-down California Flag Avatar?
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