as is Ms. Collier... Victoria Collier (www.votescam.com) was on the Meria Heller show today (www.meria.net) wondering why Bev Harris hasn’t talked with her and her very knowledgeable and informative team at "Vote Scam" as Meria so eloquently pointed out, she too was wondering about Bev Harris (whom all agree is very dedicated and tirelessly and unselfishly doing very important and necessary work for all of us) However, I also agree with Meria and Victoria that Bev Harris is just touching the tip of the iceberg in the Diebold “black Box” voting fraud, as well as all the voting scams that have been occurring over the past forty years. A paper trail will mean nothing if the software in the box will still be able to change or distort votes and no one is allowed to check the machines…obviously even with a paper trail each paper receipt would have to be counted by hand to get an accurate count, if the box software was still able to manipulate the votes, even while spiting out a piece of paper saying differently to the voter. Listen to Meria show today and you’ll see what I’m talking about. You can fast forward to around thirty minutes into the show to hear it the above mentioned (but I’d encourage you to listen to as much as possible before making comment.) Victoria Collier is very sweet and incredibly entertaining and informative, she indeed knows her shit!!! Meria’s show: http://www.meria.net/Computerized Election Fraud in America: A Brief History
By Victoria Collier Editor of www.VoteScam.com October 25, 2003
America's Wake-Up Call
"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty" --Thomas Jefferson
In the 2000 election, George W. Bush stole the presidency by combining various forms of vote fraud, not all of which could be concealed from the American public. The month-long battle in Dade County ended with open slaughter of the democratic process, and the occupation of the country by a regime of what may be accurately described as corporate fascists.
That's the bad news.
The good news is, the 2000 election also marked a turning point in American consciousness. Or, I might venture to say, an awakening. Before W's coup, most Americans were, for lack of a better metaphor, asleep at the wheel. This metaphor works just fine, because our electoral process is the wheel that guides our nation, the mechanism that allows us to control the engines of power, and to turn our country in a new direction if, for instance, weíre nearing the edge of a cliff.
Nothing is more important to an American citizen than the right to cast a ballot.
But modern Americans have been abandoning the voting booth in droves. Over the past fifty years, less than half of all eligible voters went to the polls, sometimes less than 25%. However, far more astounding is that those who voted rarely bothered to wonder if their vote was counted accurately.
A vote cast but not counted is meaningless. The only way to know that your vote is properly counted is to watch the entire counting process, which is why election law requires an open, public vote count, and makes secret ballot counting illegal. However, most voters have eagerly abdicated the responsibility of overseeing their vote count to a handful of extremely dubious "experts" and "officials." Human nature is largely to blame. November election night in most states is cold -- and often wet. Those who manage to make their way to the polls after work want only to go home, turn on the TV, and let their local newscaster tell them who won. And yet, our natural instinct to curl up on the couch cannot be wholly to blame. Recent history has shown that the most avid political junkies -- even candidates themselves -- have demonstrated a profound disinterest in how the gears and levers work behind the scene on election night, or who is controlling them.
It should not surprise us that vote fraud has flourished in this vacuum of electoral vigilance. Criminals of every stripe have slithered through the unwatched gates and into positions of power in America. It has not taken them long to corrupt the entire electoral process itself, securing for themselves the gates of power. As I write this article, America is on the verge of losing the last shreds of its democracy, with the rise of ballot-less computerized voting machines.
One Machine to Rule Them All
Thanks in part to the recent Bush approved Help America Vote Act (HAVA), squadrons of shiny new Touch Screen Trojan horses are being rolled into precincts across America. Not, as we are told, to make voting easier or more accurate, or to help disabled people vote privately, or to save America from the dangers of hanging chad and butterfly ballots -- no. The real reason America is being flooded with billions of dollars worth of paperless computerized voting machines is so that no one will ever again be able to prove vote fraud.
These machines are not just unverifiable, they are secretly programmed (their software is not open to scrutiny by election officials or computer experts), equipped with modems, accessible by computer, telephone, and satellite. They are the final product of decades of work by the election rigging industry. When they are installed in every precinct in America, our elections will finally become completely meaningless, nothing more than charades behind which criminal thugs will wield the power of this nation.
That is the plan for America. But there's a glitch.
The blatant and multi-faceted fraud of the 2000 election -- in which the ultimate poster boy for corporate corruption stole the highest seat in the nation -- woke the American people from their dangerous slumber. The issue of election fraud is now smoldering in the minds of millions. Of course the Touch Screens were immediately offered as the solution to all our voting problems, but thanks to the wonderful work of many new computerized vote fraud researchers, most notably Bev Harris (author of Black Box Voting), Americans are quickly recognizing that the ìsolutionî is worse than the problem.
Despite the best propaganda efforts of corrupt voting machine corporations like Diebold and ES&S, even those with the worst butterfly ballot jitters are coming to understand that destroying the ballot altogether, erasing any verifiable record of the vote count and making a recount impossible, is not the answer to our problems. And, as the Touch Screen systems continue to openly malfunction, increasing numbers of voters will begin doubting their safety and accuracy.
It's becoming clear to Americans that, just like the aftermath of the Enron scandal, no real government reform is forthcoming in the area of election security. The news is out that the same company that was used in Florida to falsely purge voter rolls of thousands of largely poor, black and Democratic voters is being hired by other states across the country for the same job (read "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" by Greg Palast).