Hey y'all, read this article:
http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localnews/content/auto/epaper/editions/tuesday/south_county_043067d0f561b16d008d.htmlThis article REALLY makes my blood boil. Here are some excerpts and my reactions to them:
<< It was the first time a Florida election using touch screens has been decided by less than 0.25 percent. When an election is that close, Florida law requires a "manual recount" of all under-votes and over-votes. >>
Well then WHY THE F**K didn't we have a manual recount of all the under- and overvotes IN THE 2000 ELECTION? We Democrats should have DEMANDED one. AND THE LAW WAS ON OUR SIDE. THE LAW IN FACT REQUIRED what we would have been DEMANDING.
<< While its guidelines are "not presently definitive," Kast said the division will probably end up with a rule stating that votes cast on electronic voting machines will not be subject to a manual recount. >>
Huh? You mean they're going to just IGNORE THE LAW? WE'VE GOT TO REFUSE TO ALLOW THEM TO DO THIS. We've got to INSIST and DEMAND that they OBEY THE LAW. But then we all know that Republicans can get away with just IGNORING the law.
<< A manual recount, he said, is to determine whether ballots that could not be read by tabulating machines contain any marks that might provide "clear indication on the ballot that a voter has made a definite choice." >>
But that "clear indication" DID exist on the PAPER ballots that were cast in the 2000 election. SO HOW IS IT THAT THOSE G*****N REPUBLICANS WERE ABLE TO KEEP THOSE BALLOTS AWAY FROM HUMAN EYES? Especially when it was IN VIOLATION OF THE LAW?
<< "The reason we got in trouble in 2000 was because we had no statewide standard for determining voter intent," Dion said. >>
BUT WE DID HAVE THAT STANDARD in the 2000 election. Florida law clearly and unambiguously stated that a valid vote was one on a ballot that under a visual examination showed the "clear will and intent of the voter." SO WHY DIDN'T WE APPLY THAT STANDARD?
Jesus H. Christ, what's happening to this country? And what are we going to do if the Republicans steal the White House AGAIN on Nov. 2?