, January 14, 2004
Time to collect Internet sales tax
"The advent of the Internet has meant rethinking and reworking institutions -- including the methods used to collect sales taxes.
"The Legislature has an opportunity to begin that process. The Streamlined Sales Tax system would help governments collect taxes for online retail sales, a phenomenon costing billions in lost revenue. . . .
"But it could be a double-edged sword for local governments with large retail tax bases. If a shopper were to buy a computer in Kent and have it delivered to her Medina home, the sales tax would be credited to Medina, not Kent.
"But the greater risk is the increasing loss because of out-of-state Internet sales. They deliver a double whammy. They cost local governments taxes and cost local merchants business."
Yeah, right. I with the corporate pimps at the Seattle P-I worried about all the money Microsoft, Boeing and Paul Allen screw us out of.