When do our candidates
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Wed Jan-14-04 09:29 AM
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start bringing up the deaths of 495 of our young men and women for a war based on lies? We know now Saddam was not a threat. He was in a box and would still be in a box without the tremendous loss of lives. For the most part they keep saying we are better off without Saddam around. How are we better off? There were no WMDs. How could he have hurt his neighbors? Turkey would have crushed Saddams army.Someone at DU mentioned, it sure is nice not to have Saddams terrorists running around the world. ( They were speaking satirically.) What terrorists?
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Wed Jan-14-04 10:14 AM
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1. In case you missed it, |
Howard Dean said we're no safer now that Saddam Hussein is in custody. Does that count?
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:32 AM
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