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Anyone hear yesterday's Fresh Air/Peter Maas's extended Hummer commercial?

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AP Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-14-04 02:25 PM
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Anyone hear yesterday's Fresh Air/Peter Maas's extended Hummer commercial?
Yesterday, Peter Maas was on Fresh Air

Here's the description:

In this week's New York Times Magazine cover story (Sunday, Jan. 11) he writes about Maj. John Nagl, a professor at West Point and a counterinsurgency expert who is putting into practice for the first time his theories about counterinsurgency. He is in Iraq with a tank battalion in the Sunni Triangle.

It is unbelievable how many times they use the word Hummer or Humvee. Several times when Gross calls something a tank or a vehicle, Maas jumps in and says it was Humvee. He discusses the vehicles handling characteristicas and features. It's really weird.

For a dramatic contrast, compare Democracy Now's coverage of similar issues today: (the link is down, so I can't get the guest's name, but today's guest talks about similar matters without feeling compelled to plug the Hummer incessantly).
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