I have an ever increasing sense of doom about where this country is heading. After Coup 2000 I didn't believe anything could be worse. Now, after 3 nightmarish years, I find myself wondering what new horror will await me tomorrow. It seems the citizens of this country are caught in a vice grip controlled by corporate crooks and right wing fanatics.
IF I really believed we could have honest elections, I would bet my soul that a Democrat (ANY Democrat) would beat * in '04. But Diebold and it's kind are like political carbon monoxide, spreading noxious fumes silently, while innocents choke and gag, never knowing what hit them.
Yes, we're trying to fight against the forces of darkness, and we must continue, but how much control over this onslaught do we really have? The vile ones have succeeded in destroying American civil liberties, endangering our intelligence agents, perpetrating crimes against humanity by waging an illegal war, threatening our social security net for the most vulnerable, and putting millions of hard working Americans on the brink of economic disaster. I also believe that these monsters knew 9/11 was going to happen and ignored it to fulfill dreams of world domination and revenge hatched by PNAC. But despite all this, the bush*ies are as of today still NOT BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE!!!!
This is a bad day for me. When I look at the stupid happy faced drones on t.v. and hear them on the radio, despair sinks my heart. The environment is heating up dramatically, thousands of species are on the brink of extinction, massive coastline flooding is imminent. I fear the bush*istas will reinstate the draft to wage endless wars, and the earth will become scorched and blood stained as never before. I desperately hope I'm wrong.