Monday, January 19 is Martin Luther King's birthday. In commemoration, CODEPINK, Global Exchange and Black Voices for Peace created an inspiring flash movie using an excerpt from a powerful Dr. King speech with heart-wrenching images of the US occupation of Iraq. Check it out at and send it to your friends and family.
The next day, January 20, the nation will hear another speech, but one that will undoubtedly be contrary to the ideals of Dr. King: George Bush's State of the Union address. The litany of half-truths, excuses, and lies that characterized his March 2003 State of the Union address paved the road to the invasion and occupation of Iraq. So, we know we can't afford to ignore this address. We have to pay attention because too much is at stake.
Don't get depressed by watching George Bush alone. We suggest you get together with your CODEPINK community and host a real State of the Union gathering. After the speech, talk about the reality.
Over two million jobs have been lost in the past 3 years. Billions of our tax dollars have gone to corporate contractors and to fund the military actions in Iraq, robbing the coffers of vital domestic programs here at home.
~ How has this impacted you and your community?
~ Does the war on terror make you feel any safer?
~ What action do you feel compelled to take?
Move the discussion outside your living room by sending letters to your local newspaper about the Sorry State of the Union. This is a terrific opportunity to contact your representatives in Congress. Or have a public pink slip protest: "Sorry State of the Union! Fire Bush!"
CODEPINK has many more great actions and campaigns coming up: