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Bush Space-Travel Vision Grounded in Practicality--Drivel from the WP

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frank frankly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-15-04 01:00 AM
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Bush Space-Travel Vision Grounded in Practicality--Drivel from the WP
I'm not familiar with Kathy Sawyer. Is she insane?

I thought this was going to cost a trillion?

Warning: this will hurt your brain if you read it.


President's Vision Is More Shrewd Than Flashy

By Kathy Sawyer
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, January 15, 2004; Page A01

President Bush has resolved NASA's vision problem. The U.S. human spaceflight program has its long-awaited mandate to head out into the solar system after 30 years of going in circles around the home planet.

But this will not be your father's Apollo program. Or, with luck, Bush's own father's ill-fated space initiative.

In the absence of the Cold War urgency that drove the 1960s space race, Bush has outlined a tortoise-like pace, dictated by severe budget constraints, that allows a full decade just to develop a vehicle that would, once again, deliver people to the moon -- something Apollo engineers accomplished, starting from scratch, in about eight years.

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w4rma Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-15-04 01:49 AM
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1. It looks like ShrubCo is going to ream through NASA, now.
Edited on Thu Jan-15-04 01:55 AM by w4rma

The president's plan leaves it up to the space agency to take out of its own hide an extra $11 billion that will be required over the next five years to take merely the first steps toward the new solar system exploration plan

As usual, the headlines look good for Bush, but the fine print is disastrous.

But, Smirk thinks that 1.5 BILLION on a PR campaign about marriage is better spent money than on NASA. :puke:
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