And the World says Americans are arrogant - Brazil fines Pilot
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Thu Jan-15-04 01:00 PM
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And the World says Americans are arrogant - Brazil fines Pilot |
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Thu Jan-15-04 01:03 PM
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1. Sorry but I'm glad that he did it |
Many times the haessment that crew get are very unfare and I'm glad that American is paying the fine, as an employee of said company, I say thanks.
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Thu Jan-15-04 01:08 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
4. someone said this in another thread |
we should remember what if the shoe was on the other foot? If you flew into NYC and gave the finger to a customs agent you'd be locked up so fast you wouldn't have time to reconsider. Even if you are an American citizen.
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Thu Jan-15-04 01:40 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
6. "Many times the haessment that crew get are very unfare" |
But it's fair when *we* do it to crews and passengers from other countries comming here?
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Thu Jan-15-04 01:05 PM
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2. Has nothing to do with arrogance |
Different culture, different laws. He deserved it.
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Thu Jan-15-04 02:27 PM
Response to Reply #2 |
10. I was being sarcastic |
of course I was saying that the world is right - we are arrogant. I say go Brazil!
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Thu Jan-15-04 01:08 PM
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3. They're trying to get our attention |
They succeeded. They're angry over not being excluded from the list of countries whose citizens are exempt from being fingerprinted for flights to the US.
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Thu Jan-15-04 01:11 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
I think he deserved to get arrested. The real message here is that Brazil is trying to let uste taste what we dish out. Many Americans don't seem to like that. I call it elitism
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Thu Jan-15-04 02:04 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
7. Kind of like how its ok to liberate another country? |
How will we reply when someone tries to liberate us?
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Thu Jan-15-04 02:08 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
8. Yup...I think this is great. |
I think the man's behavior shows us not only how childish we are in expecting other countries to cooperate with us when we're acting like fucking assholes, but also gives us a little taste of our own "harassment" medicine.
I think most would call this "justice."
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Thu Jan-15-04 02:16 PM
Response to Reply #8 |
9. It's reminiscent of our own puerile behavior toward France and Germany |
singling them out for punishment with respect to Iraq contracts. :eyes:
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:25 AM
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