I will probably vote the same way I did in 2000. When I got to the voting booth in the early evening, Al Gore was leading in Delaware by a strong margin, so I voted for Nader because I really thought that he was the best candidate. Had Bush been leading in Delaware, I would have voted for Gore.
This time around, I like Kerry and Kucinich. Realistically, I think Kerry still has a chance to be the nominee, but sadly it doesn't look like Kucinich does. I have no idea what the Greens will do, and I kind of hope that they run someone other than Nader. But I totally do want to see a third party viable at the national level one day in my lifetime (which doesn't give them decades to work on it). I really don't like Dean that much, and better than Bush is not such a high standard to try to reach. My dog Daisy is better than Bush!
So, IF the Greens have a candidate that I like and IF Dean is the Democratic candidate, and IF Delaware looks like the Democrats are leading by a strong majority, I will vote Green. IF the election is close in Delaware, I will vote for any Democrat.
Now, explain why Democrats have done nothing about the Electoral College in the past three plus years and why they have done nothing about fixing the messed up felon lists or looked at the allegations of road blocks in Democratic districts in Florida or questioned the voting machines that can be hacked into or done something to make me believe that whatever way I vote it will actually matter.