They kill and cause illnesses and suffering for millions of people. They do great harm to the water we drink and the air we breathe.
They steal and plunder and routinely rob the American taxpayers. They shamelessly exploit the young and the poor, stripping them of their dignity and using human beings like cheap commodities. Their crimes are often unreported and, when they are caught, they rarely face serious consequences.
Corporate criminals in the United States get away with murder, sometimes literally. When they steal from their shareholders or the public treasury, it seems the more outrageous the thievery, the more likely the culprits are to avoid prosecution.
No corporate officer really paid a price for Union Carbide's Bhopal, India, disaster in 1984. Poison gas at an agrochemical plant leaked, killing 8,000 people and leaving 150,000 more with permanent and debilitating injuries. The company put the plant there to take advantage of cheap labor and lax environmental and safety standards.
Archer Daniels Midland Company, the huge agribusiness operation, got caught red-handed fixing prices on lysine and citric acid. Lysine is an amino acid used by farmers as a food additive for livestock. Citric acid is a flavor additive used in soft drinks, processed foods and pharmaceutical and cosmetics products.
More: even going into Enron. Where is Kenny Boy anyway?