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Pardon me, this is for Dover..

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lapauvre Donating Member (387 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-15-04 07:57 PM
Original message
Pardon me, this is for Dover..
Meeting Room board. Met Dover before, I think, on Activist board.

With a few renovations, corrections, additions, deletions, this is a venting session.

Responded to you once, Dover, about a way to make an effective protest, and I have been as frustrated as you in trying to think of a way.

Just to vent a bit, permit me a few seconds (okay, minutes) of my rage:

There has to be a massive, nationwide, boycott, strike, something....

I want to participate in a day of national protest on a date certain.

In response to that right wing ad, against Dean (and I haven't made up my mind yet about Dean) that takes on those who prefer a kind of coffee I can't even spell....and without apology for using the concept...

I want a day, just one day, for Americans--whatever party--who are sick to death of this lying, propagandizing, enslaving, thieving, war-mongering, evangelical driven, bible thumping, flag waving, veteran abandoning, poor bashing, racist, elderly and disabled murdering, UN-American, pro-one party dictatorship, job destroying nutballs, for ME to make a statement.

The only thing that seems to mean anything to these nutballs is money and working Americans to death or letting them starve by firing them.

I am too old to be working, or I wouldn't go to work. I am too single to withhold sex, or I would. I am too poor to make a dentist's appointment, much less keep it.

So one thing I can suggest is a BUY NOTHING DAY. NO MONEY SPENT. NONE.

DON'T pay a bill, buy a can of soup, go to the movies, buy a hamburger or a Pepsi.

If you must go to work, bring your lunch. Buy nothing from a vending machine.

Do not use a pay phone. Do not spend 25 cents to put air in your tires.

Make no long distance calls. Buy no gas. Don't drive. It will save on gas, and you can't have an auto accident. Don't hire a baby sitter. Don't be a baby sitter. Stay home. Think about America.

Do not make a doctor's appointment. Do not make a dental appointment.

If you are a student, don't go to class. If you are the parent of minor children, do not let them go to school.

If you are a teacher or professor, do not show up for work. If you are a substitute, refuse to replace them.

If you are a mugger, do not mug. If you are a muggee, tell the mugger he is a scab and if he wants to stop being a criminal, TAKE THE DAY OFF!

If you're a drug dealer, take the day off. If you're a drug user, get your supply the day before.

If you're a drunk, lay in a days supply. Smokers, buy the extra packs the day before.

If you normally would get your grass cut, change your schedule.

If you would normally cut grass, change YOUR schedule.


NO WORKING FOR MONEY if you work for those who export jobs or degrade the value of your labor.

Worried about the flu and germ warfare? Well, what would we do with an entire nation with the "blue flu?"

What would we do if everybody who is outraged spent no money? You can get everything you need the day before-- just one little-bitty old day of absolute and utter OUTRAGE????

And everybody wear a small yellow ribbon, somewhere, to indicate that we would like AMERICA back.

Sigh. Okay. I have vented.
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Fla_Democrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-15-04 08:27 PM
Response to Original message
1. Ben?
Is he here? I love his movies. :evilgrin:
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lapauvre Donating Member (387 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-15-04 08:32 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Not Ben. lol
You mean there's another one like me? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Good.
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