it did really remind me of statements I've read from Republicans about healthcare and righ-wing americans about liberals. It's even somehow not so easy, to google after the inscript. You find tons of pictures, explanations, but you have to dig a bit deeper to find these wonderfull wonderfull words. O.K. I don't want to become sentimental, but was there ever any other country in the history of mankind, who did welcome everyone with words like these? And if there's any proof that the civil society in the USA is still alive, despite Fox, despite Bush, despite many other things, it's DU!!!
I've never seen any other webpage that unites so many different people with so many different views and it still works and people still respect one another. I'm just a guest following DU for about half a year now, and I'm quite controversial sometimes. And I did offend people, and they used their god given right to offend me, too. But although I'm not a US citizen and I did even offend some candidates of the democrats, not one single DUer ever said: what the hell do you stupid foreigner think you are, to contribute to an american discussion forum and think you're allowed to comment about our candidates. They offended me for what I was saying, not for who I am or where I'm coming from...
This is only possible in the USA, I guess. Without the american liberals and leftwingers and progressive people, we're lost anyway, we need you so badly! Thank you DU and all DUer, Dirk in Germany.