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Is volunteerism dead??

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SoCalDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-16-04 05:42 AM
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Is volunteerism dead??
Edited on Fri Jan-16-04 05:43 AM by SoCalDem
It must be , since * is pushing so hard for subsidies for religious organizations..

I may be mistaken, but I have always been under the impression that religious organizations were tax exempt, so that they had plenety of "extra" money to help the poor. The non-taxed status afforded them, has allowed many to amass large parcels of real estate, (also tax free), and many have built universities and schools (also tax free)..

The founders/preachers/priests/ministers/flim-flam-men of these organizations also have set up pacs and think tanks galore, where they "hire" others like them to press for legislative measures to assure them that the golden goose will never be "cooked"..

When I was a kid, the churches all did charitable things because it was the right thing to do.. It seems like the modern-day religiosos always have their hands out for my tax money. They want the federal government to PAY them to volunteer their services to the less fortunate..

It sure seems like a scam to me.. The federal government is hellbent to stop helping poor people unilaterally, but they seem driven to pay churchy types to do the same thing.. Surely, eliminating the "middleman" would be more cost effective.:shrug:

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