Your distrust of the media is justified. However, some stories, ideas, forces, what have you, take on a life of your own. And the media will prostitute themselves for a story even if it does not fit their preconceived notions about how the world should work. Furthermore, the media loves tearing somebody down after they have been complicit in building them up. This is true for regardless of the reason for the persons fame - movie star, sports hero, politician, whatever. These negative books coming out put blood in the water. And sharks love blood. The two-bit "revelations" coming out about Dean don't even begin to compare with the issues raised in these books. Also, remember that there is a large hard core group of Democrats that will vote against Bush regardless of who the Dem nominee is because of what happened in 2000 combined with the lies about Iraq. How large is that group? No one can know, but I would guess it will be at least 40% of the people who will actually go to the polls in November. So only 11% more need to be convinced. I think it is definately doable