A whole lot of history is really necessary to understand this group, but I am too lazy and it is too early to try to lay it all out to you so here is the short version.
At the beginning of the industrial revolution, when employing Landed-class (think repubs) were abusing and exploiting French workers, a situation developed in which the workers got pissed and decided to sabotage the works in revenge. So they threw their wooden shoes into the machineries cogs and created a hell of a mess. This is actually where the word 'sabotage' comes from, 'wooden shoes' = sabo's.
So, along comes Viet Nam. During that period, persons of good moral tone decided this was bogus bullshit and that Nixon had to go. So what they did was to join the Nixon campaign and perform acts of non-violent, non-life threatening, money and resource eating sabotage.
So, with that background, here is email I get this morning before coffee from an OOLLLLD friend, a little bird-like woman that can kick the shit out of most marines...
Hi Honey-Sweetie-Dear;
Waayyyyy toooo long. (personal and embarrassing crap cut out).
Well, The Society of Wooden Shoes is BAAACCCCK! XXXX and I just joined up to the YYYYYY (southern state) Bush-Cheney campaign. We started last night. This will be easy. These people have NO CLUE about history or current affairs or real agit-pol. There is no background checks, no paranoia, no security, no accountability....in fact, my NIXON creditials gave me a HUGE boost with WWWW the local party whip. Immediate promotion and I have not even started!
They are all kids. Mis-guided, deluded, but kids. They all look 10 years old. We are about to provide them with education. This week-end is the big ramp up meeting (rah rah rah sheeeit) to get the troops prepared for this coming weeks’ canvassing. Man you KNOW XXXX is going to have a real fun time in that meeting. Once we settle in here we are going to scoot down to N. Fl and volunteer there.
Hahahahahahahaha….have not had so much fun since ’68…..feels good to be a kid again.
Come on down. We could really use a smart scary bastard like you. The good ole boys will fall for your line of sheeeit easy. XXXX swears she saw your twin down here at a gas station.
But seriously. Remember Rat? Well he has taken up in Wooden Shoe work in Tenn. Carol and Ken are off in Utah and will be joining up on Monday.
I am looking forward to some ‘shoe business, some wooden shoe business’
Power to the people!
************************ the last is a paraphrase from the movie 'the Man with One Red Shoe' which is all about duplicity and honor.
Anyway, here is the drill. These friends are from the 60's and know their agit-prop. They will be going into meetings to subtlely spread discord, dis-harmony, ill-will and that is just the start. They will waste money, mis-allocate resources, irrate, aggrevate, annoy, piss-off, and every thing else that is legal and sneaky to discredit and breed dis-harmony.
One thing that a political campaign NEEDS is team work. If your large meetings turn into squabbling and shouting matches and you just can't get that old 'team' spirit going, your organization goes to hell. If the donors are getting so pissed off that they stop payment on checks, well....you get the idea.
The Wooden Shoe Brigade is/was a self-selecting (no conspiracy), self-governing (no organization), self-sovereign anti-war/bullshit group from the 60s that started in San Fran. It went national as a self-organizing response to Nixon's Dirty Tricks Campaign.
These are the VERY very moral people who go to jail rather than serve in illegal wars. They also perform moral, though not nice, resource-jacking as a legitemate expression of personal political conviction.
Going to be a hell of an interesting time down south and out west this year.
Got shoes? Got wooden shoes? Bushie about to get some shoe business.
And of course! DO NOT EVEN worry about it. The Wooden Shoe Brigade is a collection of very very expert agit-pols. Of course they expect the repubs to learn of this activity. If not through this message then the hundreds of others that will start to appear out-and-about. This of course further spreads distrust between and amongst the repub campaign heirarchy. Who are they going to trust within their own org? Oh well, we harvest what we plant and Bushies' gonna be eating some pretty bitter herbs.
Now, where did I put those wooden shoes? Back of the closet or out in the garage?
Feels Damn Good to be a gangsta' again.
Power to the people!