And then, it hit me:
It's all about death!
Most people are afraid to die, so fear of death is easily morphed into fear of...everything. Ergo, we've got to be afraid of foreign bogeymen, of unseen terrors and all of those non-American guys who hate us for our freedoms. And here at home, we've got to fear and distrust anyone who implies that we shouldn't listen to all the fear mongering. Hell, they're probably in cahoots with the evil ones (isn't it interesting that the repugs have formed a bond with the most-extreme fundy Xtian sects and their obsessive cult and culture of death worship?)!
But the real death comes when you *vote* for the repugs, because voting repug means that you might die, because:
• you're young, and you were sent off to die as chattel in some god-forsaken corner of the world for the sake of bush's oil cronies
• you can't afford any health care
• you can't afford your prescription drugs
• you thought that our government would protect you from terrorist attacks
• you like to travel, and you're now a target of anti-American blow-back
• you're being slowly poisoned by bush's human-unfriendly enviro policies
• you're a minority and you continue to get the short end of the stick on everything
• you're a vet who defended your country but now you're being turned out into the street and denied benefits
• your local police and firemen don't have the money or the staff to save you from your burning home
• the money you hoped to retire on has been stolen by bush and his corporate cronies, so you are forced to go back to work...and you work yourself to death
• and a host of other reasons too numerous to mention
Republicans - the party of death.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.