With"the daily mis-leader":
On last year’s Martin Luther King Day, President Bush eloquently honored the memory of Dr. King, saying “I believe power of his words, the clarity of his vision and the courage of his leadership.” This year, however, instead of honoring the legacy of Dr. King, President Bush has decided to use Martin Luther King Day as tool to force the federal government to subsidize a fund raising trip for his re-election campaign. The New York Times reports that the President “hastily planned” a visit to Dr. King’s grave, and then will immediately go to “a $2,000-a-person fundraiser in Atlanta.” Even though Bush may spend the majority of his time hobnobbing with donors at the fundraiser, because he will briefly visit Dr. King’s grave, he is allowed to deem the entire trip “official” and then bill taxpayers for portions of the huge cost of hotel rooms, rental cars, security, and travel. And those are no small costs - the Washington Post notes that Air Force One alone costs $57,000 an hour to operate. Civil rights leaders are outraged at the blatant exploitation of Dr. King’s birthday as a tool to force taxpayers to bankroll a political fundraiser. Rev. Timothy McDonald, an organizer of Atlanta’s Martin Luther King Day celebrations said, “It’s the epitome of insult. He’s really coming here for the fundraiser. The King wreath was an afterthought.” Despite Bush’s platitudes about Dr. King’s legacy, he is so focused on his fundraiser - and so neglectful of the Martin Luther King Day celebrations - that he has done little to prevent his visit’s security detail from limiting access to a historic black church where a civil rights symposium will be taking place. In response to Bush’s visit, protesters are marching “with bullhorns, signs and thumping drums, shouting for the president to stay away.” They say that on top of Bush using Dr. King’s grave as pretext for a fundraiser, his policies have directly insulted Dr. King’s memory. As Rev. Raphael Allen said, “His administration has never supported anything to help the poor, education, or children. It’s all about isolationism and greed for the upper class. That’s not promoting the legacy of Dr. King.”
Lets hope we remember there is someone out there more important to defeat than any of our Democrats.