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Wingnut freak out - bible codes say Dean wins! Brings peace!

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junker Donating Member (403 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-16-04 02:50 PM
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Wingnut freak out - bible codes say Dean wins! Brings peace!
Ok, I don't buy it. I am not xtian nor judaist so the whole thing seems really damn silly to me.

I assume that everyone here knows how this thing is supposed to work. It seems that if'n one were to use the hebrew version of the xtian bible then use this software which dinks around with the spacing between the letters looking for 'hidden' words until it 'finds' something that you are looking for, then you keep on with that letter spacing to see what else is 'found' hidden in there by their deity.

Got it? Ok, well this wingnut-freeper neighbor down the road is ill with flu. He's an ok guy as long as politics is not brought up. The type that will spend the afternoon repacking the rear axle on your truck for the company and a couple of beers. You probably know this guy or his clone.

Anyway our local one is a wingnut. Not necessarily a freeper, but I digress....Bert is sick. So I take him down some stuff cause he is housebound. While there we get to chatting a minute and he says he wants to show me his new software....well turns out to be new bible codes software.

Now I think this software would yield the same results if run against the text in Doonesbury, but what the hell. I sit for a minute and he starts parading out all the stuff he 'finds' in there.

Then, being a wiseass, I ask him to do Dean. Well we do and nothing is found after a while so we abort the search and then I say, 'how about Howard Dean'? . So we plug it in and in just a whistle of a bit of time, up pops some stuff to his screen. Seems like Howard Dean was found in by the software. Well, Bert about chokes to death on his coffee as row after row of stuff comes up. Like Dean winning in 2004 to the next thing which was this 'fixing of problems' and 'bringing peace'.

Now, I am laughing up a storm, not seeing any of this other than yet one more form of human self-delusion, but you should have seen the reaction on Bert's part. Coughing, spitting, and running the software every which way to get it to come out somehow different. When I left he was on the phone to some wingnut buddies to tell them about it.....

I suggested he call the software tech support, as obviously no self respecting conservative software should be having that much liberal Howard Dean coming up. Must be a bug......

anyway, what a hoot. Can't wait to see how this goes with Bert. Probably will put him right off the software, codes, and the whole bible thing.

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salin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-16-04 02:52 PM
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1. lol!
Hilarious story.
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Skinner ADMIN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-16-04 02:54 PM
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2. This is in the wrong forum.
I'm locking.
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