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Space Cowboys

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RBHam Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 07:40 AM
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Space Cowboys
The spirit of the Wild West has not disappeared, and it would seem that, as Captain James Kirk opined, space is the new frontier. Unfortunately, as major crises in world events spiral out of control, this new frontier may be exploited just as surely as we’ve exploited others in the past. With Violence, Greed and a belief in Manifest Destiny. I find it a little unsettling that the world has become divided loosely between 4 powers. America, Europe, Russia, China. You heard President George W Bush, during his “To the Moon and Beyond” speech. In this area, he has INVITED the others along. Well, why not. If you’re going to put missiles in space, it helps to have targets to do more than just practice on. Eh? Did I make a funny?

There’s something that doesn’t feel right about the phasing out of the Hubble Telescope. I sense a psy-op here. There’s no way they’d sacrifice the Hubble unless it poses too much of a threat by what it can see with its telescope. Know what I mean? Perhaps the Powers That Be can’t guarantee absolute future control of who can use the scope, at what time they can use it, and where these interlopers could direct their sights on. Y’know, like the face of the moon, to take a picture of the Rover Lander, to prove that NASA actually went there. More intriguingly, that Lander is parked in close proximity to a strange artifact that SHOULDN’T be there, but infuriatingly is.

Don’t get me started on the face on Mars. Go to Richard C Hoagland is stubbornly pursuing his theories, still being frozen out by NASA, still claiming that “good guy” inside sources in the Bush Administration are trying to help with getting the truth out…would Bush’s senior political advisor Karl Rove allow the mumbly one (thanks, Mark Morford) to dare upset his religious base by allowing such a revelation before the next election? Yeah, right. Expect the new Rover on Mars to have troubles and expect Hoagland to have an aneurysm when the techs at JPL refuse to do samples on the anomalous objects he’s screaming about…

Perhaps the Hubble telescope has been tracking the very same thing that the Vatican's observatory in Arizona has. Indeed, many influential people seem to keep alluding to something wicked this way coming. It could be why the Pope is hanging on as if obsessed with welcoming in a new age, talking "euphemistically" about the third secret of Fatima and that good Christians should reaffirm their faith, in the event of some cataclysmic event.

What could that old dude be talking about? Remember, he has had a lifetime’s worth of access to the Vatican Library. Does he refer to rogue asteroids, meteors, planets? Surely, not an Alien invasion force? Or is it something as benign as the discovery of ancient ruins on the Moon and Mars, and with it a new paradigm about our origins as a race.

Logically, the establishment fears the loss of control that organized religion gives them. It could upset the apple cart, people could lose some cushy jobs, legacies would be tarnished, the center may not hold, people might start thinking for themselves…

Chaos, utter chaos…
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Name removed Donating Member (0 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 08:28 AM
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Guaranteed Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-17-04 10:34 AM
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2. Some interesting points to think about
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