Fellow DUers:
I'm sure many of you are familiar with the late Steve Kangas' wonderful Liberal FAQ, which debunks many of the myths that were promulgated by right-wingers throughout the 1990s. Those unfamiliar with it should check it out here:
http://www.huppi.com/kangaroo/LiberalFAQ.htmToday, I had an idea: since Steve's FAQ hasn't been updated since 1998 -- and since so much as happened since then -- we should amend it. Actually, what I had in mind was a sort of progressive encyclopedia -- a database of knowledge, organized by issue, using solid evidence to refute all the nonsense of the right and support the arguments of progressives.
The reactionaries have their think tanks. They own the media. They've established cultural hegemony by constantly bombarding Americans with disinformation. The only way we can succeed in taking the country back is by countering it at every turn.
This project has the potential to be a monumental -- but very rewarding -- task.
Comments? Ideas? Volunteers? Anyone?