FTAA Review Gets Heated; City Manager Is Heckled
Civilian Investigative Panel Discussions Heat Up
January 16, 2004
COCONUT GROVE, Fla. -- One man decided to -- at least verbally -- take on city hall Thursday night.
Following a meeting of the Civilian Investigative Panel looking into police behavior during November's Free Trade Area of the Americas conference things got ugly.
The meeting was a heated debate that included members of the AFL-CIO accusing police of misconduct.
Fred Frost, with the AFL-CIO, said, "We had one individual who paid taxes all of his life -- longer than I've been alive on this earth -- fought in a war to defend this country, and he was denied bathroom facilities and he soiled himself!"
But the real fireworks took place outside Miami City Hall.
Miami City Manager Joe Arriola was heckled loudly by a man who was not allowed inside after allegedly threatening the mayor and his staff.
Dr. Leo Casino, a community activist, shouted, "You are not the king. We are citizens. What do you think -- this is a banana republic?"
The CIP meets again on Feb. 5, when Police Chief John Timoney is expected to be in attendance.
http://www.click10.com/news/2770561/detail.html just on note - i find it very disturbing that John Timoney was asked to head up security for the DNC con in boston