Edited on Sat Jan-17-04 02:33 PM by TruthIsAll
O'Neil - Mr. President, the tax cuts are too aggressive. We must have some fiscal conservatism so as to keep the deficit manageable. Bush- (blank stare, says nothing).
Bush (to Card)- Get me a cheeseburger, will you?
Powell - Mr. President, our allies are deserting us. These claims about Saddam WMD are not verifiable. Bush - Who cares what they think?
Rumsfeld - Mr. President, Colin is too conservative. We need to ramp up for the war we all know is coming. Bush - Yea, we will fuck Saddam. No question. It's gonna happen. It's written.
Rice - Mr. President, do you recall when we met with Tenet on Aug. 6? I seem to recall something about hijacked planes crashing into buildings. Bush - I don't recall that it was anything but chatter.
Ridge- Mr. President, we are raising the alert to Orange. Bush - What for? Ridge - Karl said that your ratings dropped three points this week.
Card - Mr. President, I ordered the burgers. The democrats are calling for a 9/11 investigation. What do we tell the press? Bush - What do you think, Dick?
Cheney - Let's just remind Daschle about the ongoing anthrax investigation and focus on the war. Keep the investigation limited. He'll get the message.
Cheney - Mr. President, Ken Lay wants to review the notes of the Energy meetings. I told him the papers are under lock and key. Not to worry. They will never see the light of day.
Bush - Good. By the way, Karl, have you met with Schwarzenneger yet? Rove - I will. And he will run. You're all set for 2004.
O'Neill - Mr. President, where is the proof of WMD? You better have it before we go to the U.N. Bush - (stares into space) Rumsfeld - Paul, we have the proof. Wait for the SOTU.
Bush - where the hell are those cheeseburgers? Jeez, I thought a dictatorship would be better, and I can't even get a damn burger.
Bush - How do the midterms look? Rove - Diebold is on board. The Georgia situation is being taken care of. Our only problem is Wellstone.
Bush just stares into space, silent for five minutes.
Rove - This meeting is over.