of the most successful things NASA has done is to get that thing up there, then "fix it" when it had problems, and reveal the wonders of the universe that astronomers are learning from daily. That little dictator really is trying to kill off anything of pure scientific value in NASA and also cancel any international cooperative NASA projects like the ISS, in favor of his militaristic missions to the moon and Mars.
This is completely illogical. The commissioner says "it's due to safety concerns":
The space agency's decision, announced by NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe to scientists and engineers at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Maryland, where Hubble's mission is managed, was a direct result of safety concerns after the loss last February of the space shuttle Columbia.
So it's safer to go to the Moon or Mars than to go to a near-Earth orbiting telescope? :crazy:
Obviously they are lying. NASA is going to meld into the Pentagon.
If Smirky thought he would pick up any space science egghead votes with his "vision" thing about Mars...he just lost them all with this asinine move.
"Its early termination and the failure to deploy the sort of last generation of instruments, which were even more fully able to exploit its capabilities, is tragic. The loss is immeasurable," said astronomer Donald Hall of the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii.
These clips are from CNN online. What is not there is the price of the paper today says it is $200 million of stuff that was supposed to go up in the next shuttle delivery to the telescope. Now that $200 million of stuff is literally
space junk that will be thrown away. Way to go're so efficient and non-wasteful in your handling of the budget!!!
This is an outrage, why isn't it on page 1? :grr: :grr: :nuke: