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Dick Cheney long profile in WP -- mum's the word

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nixonwasbetterthanW Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 09:50 AM
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Dick Cheney long profile in WP -- mum's the word

... Cheney rarely gives interviews. It's been a conscious decision, he says ("Not enough hours in the day,") and one, he allows, that might contribute to the run of bad press he has received in recent months. The vice president has been charged in the media with overselling the specter of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and engineering a rush to war. Halliburton, the energy services firm Cheney ran until 2000, was accused of overcharging the U.S. government on a contract to deliver oil in Iraq. While he has not been implicated in the matter, news accounts inevitably include the words, "the company previously run by Vice President Cheney."

White House officials have become concerned that negative stories about Cheney have reached critical mass, to a point that it could be harming the president. One of those concerned officials is Dick Cheney, who has been more bothered than usual by much of his recent coverage, sources close to the vice president say. Particularly on Halliburton, the subject of which triggers a quick rant against the press.

The media has changed a great deal, he says. "As an institution. Evolved. Kind of thing where it's almost impossible to catch up with a bad story. Factual errors." He mentions Lexis-Nexis, search engines, 24-hour news cycles, cable news. "Nobody goes back to check the accuracy," he says. "Can be frustrating."

( ... this is beyond belief, even for The Washington Post. Notice that Cheney engages in pot-calling-kettle-black nonsense about "factual errors," then offers NOT ONE WORD detailing how the press has allegedly gotten it wrong about his Halliburton ties. The ultimate eat-your-cake-and-have-it-too swipe at the media.)

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Dr.Phool Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 10:07 AM
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1. Cheneys safe
He doesn't have to worry about his "boss" reading anything negative. He said he doesn't read newspapers.:crazy:
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Stephanie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-04 11:39 AM
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2. We ignore Cheney at our peril
Edited on Sun Jan-18-04 11:40 AM by Stephanie
We have to force Cheney out into the light of day. HE is running thus administration, as we all know.

Cheney is PNAC/PNAC is Cheney (& Cheney's coterie). If you want to know what this admin is going to do next, just consult the PNAC papers. It's all there. Cheney doesn't have the smarts to come up with his own blueprint, he just adopted PNAC's.

Here is some of the recent coverage that Cheney is complaining about.
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