"... and stormed in.
"There are
seven of us who worked really hard at putting this conference together, said Jason Cole of the college republicans. "so, we met, discussed and
majority ruled. We went down there."
our next Karl Rove??????
As Orcinus reports, the rhetoric of the right is becoming more alarming as they become more self-assured about their goals. One of the most worrisome facts about our current politics is the almost deification of Bush in his role as Commander in Chief. The Salon article Orcinus refers to shows the true believer Republicans espousing an almost cult-like belief in Bush as leader:
Some attendees were driven by spiritual conviction that seamlessly encompassed faith in two messiahs, Jesus and Bush. For the true believers, Bush is a man of wonder-working powers. Jason Cole, a 22-year-old senior at the University of Iowa, grew enamored of Bush when he heard his earnest, simple talk of God during the 1999 presidential campaign. Cole says he has little interest in working in politics beyond the 2004 election. "I do it," he explained simply, "because I love President Bush."
If Bush and his successors remain in power for the next decade, Cole believes, we'll have a world "where leaders say what they mean and follow it up ... millions and millions will enjoy the freedoms that our forefathers fought for. Democracy will spread across the world. Iraq was a phenomenal start. In Africa, the United States is helping Liberia and giving AIDS relief. Soon, they'll be back on the economic track. People now living in squalor will experience a home-owning boom like that following World War II. Look at how Staten Island was developed ..."
The College Republican leadership echoed this pious optimism. Paul Gourley, the party's treasurer, is a chiseled, broad-shouldered 21-year-old from South Dakota. "I am religious, and my religious beliefs steer me towards this party," he says. Bush is somebody "students can identify with, somebody students can follow. His energy, his passion for America and freedom and his religious beliefs ... I think he's going to be one of history's great presidents. We're all honored to live during this presidency." http://www.theleftcoaster.com/archives/000454.htmlhttp://www.ifcr.org/execboard/index.htmlMidwest Caucus Leadership Conference
01/16/2004 - Midwest Caucus Leadership Conference
January 16th and 17th
Olmstead/ Pomeranzt Student Center
Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
Conference Description
Excite - energize - educate inspire
Sponsored by the Iowa Federation of College Republicans
Hosted by the Drake College Republicans
Held in Des Moines, Iowa, the weekend before the Iowa Caucus, the commencement of the 2004 Presidential primary season and the launch toward the race toward the November elections, the Midwest Caucus Leadership Conference will energize, excite, educate, and inspire college students about conservative ideals and to prepare for the contested 2004 elections. The conference promises to feature well-regarded speakers ranging from public policy makers, media personalities, entertainers, political trainers and motivational speakers to provide useful political training and thoughtful political discourse to invigorate students to return to their campuses and make a positive difference.
Contact Information
Jason Cole
(email address deleted)
http://www.illinoiscrs.org/detail_content.asp?ID=167http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=Jason+Cole+College+RepublicansBuena Vista University
Cody Katzer
Vice Chairman
Heath Bartness
Heather Bettin
Heidi Gesche
Campus Coordinators
Kevin Barber
Carolyn O'Connor
Stephen Thomas
Iowa Federation of College Republicans Vice Chair
Jason Cole National Committeewoman
Audrey Pearson
this guy gets aroundhere, he is found attacking ClarkClark's talk was not supposed to be a campaign stop. Being a public institution, the U of I does not support political candidates. The university arranged to have him as a paid lecturer in March, back when major combat operations were taking place in Iraq and Clark was a military analyst on cable news. But Jason Cole with the Iowa Federation of College Republicans says the contract terms should have changed once Clark made his presidential bid. "To have any presidential candidate come to the crucial caucus state of Iowa while being paid, having an event in a public building, having public staff that's being paid with our tax dollars man the event, have the security here paid with our tax dollars, that's just inappropriate," says Cole.http://www.kcrg.com/article.aspx?art_id=66802&cat_id=123For crying out loud! Now, this from a person that thinks it's ok for the President of the United States to expend tax dollars to campaign for the last two and a half years using Air Force One. Anyone logging those miles?????? Don't worry Jason, I won't send a bill for the security or the use of the flashlight. LOLhttp://www.coloradoforclark.com/Portal/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=114Can't tell if he is a student at Iowa or Kirkwood Community CollegeUI law students Michael Davis and Annette Stewart, and Kirkwood student Jason Cole, chairman of the Iowa Federation of College Republicans, filed the complaint Wednesday with the FEC. The complaint alleged violations by Clark, UI, the UI College of Law, the UI Foundation and the Richard S. Levitt Family Endowment Fund.http://www.press-citizen.com/news/101003clark.htm
Hope this isn't the same person who worked for a Democrat in Kansas
Jason Cole, senior in political science and philosophy, said he also does the odd jobs campaigns require. Cole is taking this semester off to work as research director and treasurer in Democrat John Frieden's U.S. House of Representatives campaign against Republican Jim Ryun.