Page 304 of The Suskind/O'Neill book.
In a discussion of the third tax cut and Social Security amongst of the economic and political/communications staff there is much bandying about on the merits of this cut, O'Neill says it makes no sense but Larry Lindsey is as ever for any and all tax cuts.
After arguments on the whysand Rove informing W of a speech he is to give in Chicago December 10th 2002 Suskind writes the following (I hope this is okay)
The Ari Fleischer, seeing that matters had moved safely form the whys to the hows, summoned an overall precept, one of the administration's guiding principles. "Perception lags reality", he said importantly.
So is my reading of this correct, that the spin put on something outweighs the facts? People will believe what they have been told over what they see?