From an e-mail I received. Chilling stuff...
Ah, remember the days when "family values" meant loving your kids unconditionally, through thick and thin? Well, nowadays it apparently means throwing your daughter to the lions of political expediency.
Vice President Dick Cheney, whose own daughter Mary is a lesbian, told the Denver Post this past week that if President Bush ends up supporting a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, then Mr. Cheney will support it too.
Not only is Cheney's announcement a slap in the face to his own daughter, but it's also the height of hypocrisy since Mr. Cheney told a national TV audience three years ago that gay marriage was a matter for the states and that the government should give it some kind of legal recognition. Cheney said that - of course - while running for office and trying to pretend he and Bush were moderate Republicans. To quote Jim Spencer, an opinion columnist who appears in the Denver Post, "The vice president climbed into bed with folks who think his daughter is a pervert, no better than a person who abuses children or has sex with animals."
But one point that's been overlooked in all the press accounts about Cheney's comments is that Cheney makes it sound as if the president has yet to make up his mind about the amendment. In response to a question about his own position on the anti-gay amendment, Cheney replied: "The president is going to have to make a decision in terms of what administration policy is on this particular provision, and I will support whatever decision he makes." What's odd is that just a few weeks ago Bush came out and said he'd support the amendment, and now Cheney is saying Bush's mind is not yet made up.
So we now know that Cheney is willing to betray his daughter and his previously-stated principles at a moment's notice, but at the same time he appears to be signaling that the moment has yet to arrive. Has Bush gone soft on his previously-announced support of the anti-gay amendment? More likely, Bush is trying to have it both ways - suck up to the evangelical bigots by issuing carefully-worded (read: weasely) statements that imply support for the amendment, when in the end, he actually hasn't signed off on it at all. I can't wait till the radical right realizes Bush pulled a fast one on them.
PS I predict that Bush will mention the importance of marriage next week in his State of the Union address, but won't mention gay marriage or the constitutional amendment. This will be in line with his attempt to suck up to the evangelical bigots, while doing it in a coded way so the rest of America won't realize it's really a slap at Mary Cheney.
- Write Mr. Cheney and ask him why he hates his daughter so much: vice.president@whitehouse.gov