I posted this recently. Bush's own speech on the subject pretty muched spelled out why his Healthy Marriage Initiative is simply a foolosh idea, as are all faith-based programs. He and Rove are too just too dumb to realize what they've said, apparently. Good thing the media helps them out. But Bush own word's seem pretty clear...from my other post...
"Many of the problems that are facing our society are problems of the heart. Addiction is the problem of a heart -- of the heart. I know -- I told this story before. I was a drinker. I quit drinking because I changed my heart. I guess I was a one-man faith-based program."
So gimme a grant? What's your point? How does this point to the need for the church to receive government funding?
"Problems that face our society are oftentimes problems that require something greater than just a government program or a government counselor to solve."
Hmmm. Like marriage and divorce?
One of my faves...
"Government oftentimes will say, yes, you can participate, but you've got to change your board of directors to meet our qualifications, you've got to conform to our rules. The problem is, faith-based programs only conform to one set of rules, and it's bigger than government rules."
What more can I say. The stupidity in this comment is unreal...until you remember Bush said it.
"In order to get beyond the debate of process, we must say -- we must ask the question in Washington, does the program work? Does the program to help the addicted work? Is the homeless program working? That's the question that must be asked."
Okay, fair enough...if "the program" is working, it must be, well...working. Nothing better than an infusion of big government to muck up a perfectly good program, the repubs always say. Well, almost always, apparently. Conversely, if the programs are NOT working, what is Bush advocating? Pouring money into them? Isn't this precisely the approach the republicans claim cannot work for schools, the homeless, drug rehab...oops, wait...the same "programs" Bush now seems to feel need help.
There is a lot more to this speech that I didn't even go through. It is madness. Bush is a certifiable whack job who doesn't have any clue what words are spewing from his Caviar-hole.