(oldtimers will give me a pass, or perhaps not)
During Campaign 2000 the media whores were swooning over the nicknames Shrub was giving some of them. Media Whores Online ran a contest to nickname Chris-the-Whore. In the first 3 or so weeks, there was no clear, catchy front runner, with "The Screamer" sort of leading. Then one of The Whore's own Hardball staff LEAKED to MWO that his own staff called him Tweety because of the Clairol shade he favored. This was immediately declared the winner. But in some quarters, it wasn't entirely satisfactory. For one thing, by the time it was declared, the shade had changed to platinum, leading to a suggestion he be called Carole LOMBARD. Plus, "Tweety" sounds too affectionate towards this JERK WHORE. Then M-TV held it's 20th or 25th or whatever anniversary, and all the cable whores were doing segments of Brittany shedding her duds down to almost nothing. Not to be left behind in any whore game, Tweety followed suit, with a guest from Time Mag, the young humor columnist, whassisname Joel STEIN. The staff kept re-running the Britany clip, and Tweety was clearly DROOLING disgustingly. The Time dude said, "You're beginning to creep me out." Tweety responded, "Yeah, well, wait till YOU're 50." This led to the suggestion that "Tweety" be modified to "Tweezer" to retain the hair reference while canceling out the affection factor and also adding the (dirty old) "geezer" angle.
Just to round out the Tweety portrait: 1- He is our enemy. 2- The last time he was identifiably a Democrat was circa 1988 when his book, Hardball, was first published. 3- He's a political flunky who worships SUCCESS, and started "turning" through admiration for RAYGUN's kicking his Dem bosses' rears. 4- He was ABSOLUTELY VICIOUS to President GORE all through Campaign 2000. 5- He triggered a gun incident by naming, ERRONEOUSLY, Kathleen WILLEY's supposed "jogger" (Pat BUCHANAN's mentally ill brother took the gun to the house). 6- He is a de facto wingnut operative. 7- He voted for Shrub.