Edited on Sun Jan-18-04 10:39 PM by DanSpillane
This is NO joke. This is serious economic analysis, for mass consumption.
I added more reference material. NEW Ken Lay connection to homebuilders and GOP-- see sidebar.
See my website.
"Black Hole" Found in US Economy Contact: Dan Spillane DanSLegal at aol.com Citizens for Corporate Accountability 410 Denny Way #229 Seattle, WA 98122 (206) 860-2858
(Update 11, 01/18/04, editorial)
(SEATTLE) 01/06/04 - In a troubling sign that accounting problems have grown beyond corporate balance sheets, two of the main economic gauges used by Wall Street, banks, and in the calculation of Social Security payments have been found to contain serious problems. The makeup or "weightings" of the gauges have been set and modified recently so they hide real inflation. Also, a complicated "circular" cycle--much like a black hole--has been found within one of the gauges, which not only places the US financial system at risk, but results in dramatic and permanent increases in demand for energy, at a time when our soldiers are dying overseas because of energy-related tensions (footnotes).
(more) www.libertywhistle.us
Citizens For Corporate Accountability is a 'Think Tank' non-profit, dedicated to public interest and the detection of corruption which endangers the basics of democratic society. It was founded in 2003 by Dan Spillane. The first major issue identified by Mr. Spillane, Electronic Voting Reform, has gotten significant national media attention subsequent to Mr. Spillane raising concerns to Congress and a number of activists since the summer of 2002. It was recently revealed that significant problems exist nationwide in this area--as a result, several new bills are pending for the 2004 Congress.