Anyone else hear about this? (Restaurants closed on Mondays)
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Mon Jan-19-04 12:25 AM
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Anyone else hear about this? (Restaurants closed on Mondays) |
I have relatives that live in Wichita, and talking to one of them on the phone I heard that most of the restaurants are now closed on Mondays due to lack of business. Anyone else hear this? Is the economy that bad over there?
Kathy in Cambridge
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Mon Jan-19-04 12:33 AM
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1. Restaurants are no only closed on Mondays here |
many have closed permanently. For every new hotspot that opens up, a dozen die. Same in NYC.
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Mon Jan-19-04 01:28 AM
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I used to live in Wichita and keep in touch with lots of friends there. They've lost at least 11,000 jobs since 9/11; the aircraft industry has taken massive blows. It's truly a shame.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:29 AM
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