Hasn't *anyone* noticed that, in addition to W's other crimes,
he's a plagiarist? As in "The Space Exploration Act of
2003", (HR3057),
submitted in September by Rep. Lampson (D-TX), in September of
Both the goals and with the timetable that W is endorsing
explicitly in that bill. Any idea that he has discovered space
for any
reason other than politics is exposed as a fraud, since he
neither credits Rep. Lampson, who is a Democrat, nor does he
urge Congress to move the bill out of committee and to pass
I strongly support these goals. I am vehemently aggrieved
that W
is using it for purely electoral politics, rather than for the
country as a whole, and certain that he will, like Every Child
Left Behind, leave behind funding and commitment, once the
election is passed, should he win the election, and we won't
even *look* at a real return to space for another dozen years.