explain what the Democratic caucuses meant, and then he let her reply to viewers' emails.. Of course she agreed with the one that said it was downright unpatriotic to say mean things abour OUR PRESIDENT.. She must have had a moment of selective amnesia, since apparently she has forgotten about how so many people said terrible things about Clinton.
I am very disgusted with Terry McAuliffe and the other dem party leaders.. They must have ZERO clout, if they could not provide some well-spoken and outspoken people on tv to "analyze" the caucuses.. All I have seen on tv for DAYS now, are repube and DINOs , and gee don't we already know what the outcome will be??
According to the ones I have heard, NO ONE will "win", because GeorgieBoy is a lock..:(
There are so many stories that would tie in with the caucuses and work against *, but no one has even mentioned any of them..or if a viewer brings them up, the spokespeople say.. "I have not heard about that".. or "I don't know anything about that"..