'jadelste@fcc.gov'; 'mcopps@fcc.gov'; 'mpowell@fcc.gov'
Sirs: On September 5th 2003 the FCC published a temporary freeze on merger and acquisition activity with respect to the media. I would like to request that note should be taken by your organization with respect to Viacom and CBS specifically. Earlier this month CBS refused to air advertisements sponsored by Moveon.com during the Super Bowl because they violated CBS's ban on advocacy advertisements. These advertisements have been through a rigorous vetting process in terms of content and appropriateness for the use on the broadcast media. There is no content that is inappropriate for individuals to see or hear. I find that CBS's rational for refusing to run these advertisements to be disingenuous. CBS has refused to air these advertisements because it violates their ban on "advocacy" advertising; however, during this same time period various advertisements will be allowed advocating various political and moral issues. It is clear from this behavior that Viacom and CBS in particular that they are violating their responsibilities because of their biased use of the airwaves. I believe, as do all Americans, in the freedom of speech and as such Viacom and CBS have the right to sell advertising to whom ever they wish. However, that freedom is significantly restricted when the only dialogue is that of one hand clapping. Because of this bias I would like the FCC to permanently freeze Viacom's merger activity as not being in the public interest.