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Fun "debating" a moran - How much longer should I play with this twerp?

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zbdent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-19-04 05:28 PM
Original message
Fun "debating" a moran - How much longer should I play with this twerp?
Forgive the foul language. You'll see that I didn't start that.

After a google find, I've been having fun with this idjit. I think that he and I are the only ones interested in his "dialogue" with me.

Here's the dialogue so far, with names changed to protect the moronic.

December 16, 2003
Liberals confusing their own lies
I was cruising the DU today when i came upon this hilarious example of batshit insane libs talking moronicly and getting called on it

zbdent: We need to keep reminding people that W was happy to do business with Saddam Hussein up to one month before SH invaded Kuwait. Even with the reports to his daddy that SH was gassing his own people and assassinating reporters who dare to look behind the curtain. (Gee, now you don't suppose that Mr. "It would be easier if this were a dictatorship with me as the dictator" wouldn't be licking his chops at that kind of power, do you?)
northzax: er, do you have any evidence of this?
if so, please post it. I have never seen any evidence that Chimpy
s companies worked with Iraq in any way.

zbdent: My bad. It was Bahrain (sp?). Moderator, please moderate my
erroneous information.

hahaha these guys crack me up, i wonder if "northzax" hadn't called this moron on it would he have gone on repeating this line of bull? that my friends is how these hopeless fools build their lies to spread.

Posted by Tom ----- at December 16, 2003 10:45 AM

You're far more patient than I am to cruise that cave full of moonbats.

Posted by: mog at December 17, 2003 03:14 PM

At least I owned up to my error, unlike the freepers who complained that Gore was tanking the stock market 12/00, and suddenly shut up when the market continued to tank after W was declared.

Posted by: zbdent at January 17, 2004 03:52 PM
wow i feel like my website has somehow been sullied now that an honest to goodness DU'er has posted here.

i like how you DU'ers think all conservatives are "freepers", i consider Free Republic to be the rights version of the DU, a bunch of dumbshits on the radical fringe of their party acting like total idiots.

and by the way, Bush was elected, get over it already.

Posted by: Tom ----- at January 17, 2004 08:13 PM
Well, let's put it this way.

The Freepers (free republics)/neocons/dittoheads, not "ALL CONSERVATIVES", were the ones who were pushing the constant "Gore tanking the stock market" mantra.

Where's the daily "to the penny" update of the deficit? Seems that since 9/11, the "conservative voice of Congress" didn't want to remind the body that it was getting worse, instead of better. (You can only use 9/11 so much to justify everything).

Also, Rush was one of the main proponents, prior to 11/2000, who pushed the idea that, had W won the popular vote (ha ha) but not the electoral vote, there were "legal methods" which W could take to fight the outcome. Funny, some of the legal methods OxyRush is taking now are the ACLU and the lawyer for William Kennedy Smith (remember - "How do you know when somebody's guilty? They hire " WKS's lawyer at the time, whatever Black).

Also, why did W's daddy & Reagan sit on their thumbs while all the "gassing of his own people" was going on, in 1988, when it seemed that only liberals and Amnesty International were concerned about human rights violations? Then again, how about Haiti? Kosovo?

How many times were we subjected to the sight of the bodies being dragged through the streets in Somalia, and the concerted screams of the Right saying "No American military person should lose his life for Clinton's " fill in the blank " war!"?

In Haiti, there were lots of protestations (by the Repubs in Congress) about the presence of US military in Haiti, and when one soldier finally did die, months after the peaceful removal of the dictator, the screams were for the removal of the troops? Within hours of declaring war on Iraq, we had several US deaths.

I use recycled Republican arguments (used against Clinton) against Bush, and I am labeled a terrorist and unpatriotic. Guess that makes the Republicans non-patriots prior to 9/11.

Tell you what. Apply the same standards to Bush as were applied to Clinton, and I'll shut up.

Posted by: zbdent at January 18, 2004 08:21 PM
you whiny liberals sure are hung up on Rush, i've never listened once to the man's radio show, mainly because it's on while i'm working (yes despite the info in your talking points memos alot of people still have jobs).

and it's funny you bring up liberals supposed sympathy about human rights, boy your golden boy Bill sure was a champion in that field, sure he helped in Kosovo (without UN approval btw, like Bush in Iraq) but he let Saddam thumb his nose at us and the entire planet for 8 years all the while letting him kill innocent Iraqi civilians that didn't buy into his cult of personality, also Bill's bombing of that menacing Pharmaceutical Plant of Terror™ sure was productive, how many civilians were killed there? not to mention Billy's general apathy towards avenging US citizens and soldiers killed at home and abroad by terrorists (Khobar Towers anyone? Kenya? Nairobi?)

and i think the only ones calling you troglodytes unpatriotic is yourselves, calling you dolts simple minded morons is a part of free speech, remember it's freedom of speech not freedom from criticism.

just face facts, your champion was a smooth talker but that was about it, when the chips were down he was clueless, at least George has the balls that it takes to defend Americans, even if it pisses off all the little shitstains like you.

Posted by: Tom ----- at January 18, 2004 10:25 PM
Gee, all that namecalling and not one fact used to counter my points.

I guess all that screaming about Clinton's airstrikes on Iraq was about Hollywood special effects. (Gee, was that cleaning lady who lost her life in the after-hours bombing also a Hollywood special effect? The Republicans seemed very concerned about her life then!) Along with the US forces enforcing the No-Fly zone that Bush41 let Saddam have.

I especially love the argument the Right has that 9/11 was Clinton's fault, even though he was out of office about four times as long as Bush41 was out of office when the first attack on the WTC happened.

Nobody could conceive of planes ramming into skyscrapers? Look at the history of the Empire State building for some clues.

Speaking of shitstains, do you still have your picture of Bush calling Mommy Babs from AF1 asking how to get them out of his underwear?

Posted by: zbdent at January 19, 2004 03:31 PM
>I especially love the argument the Right has that 9/11 was Clinton's fault, even though he was out of office about four times as long as Bush41 was out of office when the first attack on the WTC happened.
>i have no idea what GB senior or the original WTC attacks has to to with what i said....oh wait, another dig at those evil republicans, right?

denying Clinton's severe cuts to the CIA during his tenure just further shows your ideology over common sense approach to politics, hell the cold war was over! why have all these spooks anyway?? it's not like they're needed to root out the radicals that declared war on us and attacked US soil in '93, noooooo get rid of them they are not needed.
oh by the way "North Korea has now frozen its dangerous nuclear weapons program."- Billy 1996

>Nobody could conceive of planes ramming into skyscrapers? Look at the history of the Empire State building for some clues.
yes, the US government should look to random accidents in the early years of aviation as a means to ascertain security concerns (insert rolling eyes here)

>Speaking of shitstains, do you still have your picture of Bush calling Mommy Babs from AF1 asking how to get them out of his underwear?
no but i have a few pics of democrats openly weeping as dumbfucks like you degrade their party into oblivion.

Posted by: Tom at January 19, 2004 03:55 PM
Despite the Right's obsession with trying to claim that nothing was done to the original WTC attackers, the mastermind was convicted. Guess that has nothing to do with the idea that "Clinton was at fault".

Bush was handed a two year study about the threat of terrorism. Because it had somebody other than a Repub actually working on it, Bush set it aside, without bothering to look at it.

Oh, and the CIA is not supposed to be looking into internal affairs inside the US, right? That's the FBI. As I remember it, these guys who rammed the WTC (II) were studying flying in Florida. Paid CASH to learn how to fly commercial jets. Not land them, or take off. Just navigate them. When the agent tried to notify the proper authorities, she was essentially told to "go away." Ask a certain actor about the fact that he tried to report some suspicious activity on a flight he was on, which included two of the actual terrorists.

I also remember the Republicans briefly sounding like the ACLU when it came to a database of names Clinton supposedly was compiling. What were there, a few thousand? Now, everybody's records (except Rush) are open just because you might have bought a newspaper from a newsstand operated by a twelfth cousin of a guy who accidentally gave money to a charitable organization who has a member who once was a neighbor of a suspected terrorist. Or maybe just that the person being investigated for writing a letter to the editor asking a real question about W's tax cuts.

Okay, so the accident in 1948 involving a military bomber was in the early years of aviation (???). Why then was there a concern about a kamikaze attack on Bush's ship while stationed outside the US?

Love that quote by Clinton. I remember that Repubs regarded everything that he said as a lie. Like all the statements made by him when they were questioning his attacks on Iraq, which they now say are enough to justify the invasion?

I remember how people like you were saying that "we" were begging Saddam to use WMDs on our troops (funny!). Well, Bush still has to prove the French & Germans wrong about that one. Now, it seems, the people who think like you probably are wishing that some Iraqi would, just so you can say "so there!". Guess that the soldiers whose lives were so precious in the 90s are so dispensible now, just so you can finally prove that WMDs exist. We're waiting, but the actual soldiers are still dying.

Funny - the "dumbfucks" of today are sounding a lot like you "dumbfucks" were 6 years ago.

Hey, can we send Charlie Daniels over to Iraq? He's so adamant about the morality of the invasion, maybe he'd like to get a RPG up the ass. Seems like the guy who wrote "Uneasy Rider" would get his ass kicked by the guy who wrote the "letter to the Hollywood bunch"! Too bad they're the same guy.

Posted by: zbdent at January 19, 2004 05:22 PM

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BeatleBoot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-19-04 05:57 PM
Response to Original message
1. You are "in the zone"
See how those sissies run away from Rush!!

Bunch a fuckin' sissies!

Take those hypocritical shitheads to task and watch 'em run...

By the way, Bush is a sissy.

A big sissy.
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ComerPerro Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-19-04 06:06 PM
Response to Original message
2. Its time to hit him where it counts
I see you kind of suggested it, but try just straight up mentioning to him that you don't care what he thinks is justified by 9/11, because it is quite obvious that the administration knew it was going to happen and chose not to stop it.
That is always my favorite part of arguing with a conservative. Especially if you are face to face with them, because you can see that, deep down, somewhere, they know its true. And they don't care.
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Bandit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-19-04 06:18 PM
Response to Original message
3. One thousand jobs every three hour for eight straight years during Clinton
What has Bush* done? Oh that's right he lost nine million jobs in only a couple of years. He is on par to beat Hoover's record. In fact he will go down in history as the worst president in history for employment.
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zbdent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-19-04 06:44 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Well, it's going to be hard to top for "Worst pResident of the Century"
unless somebody accidentally nukes Canada.

Bush set a hard to beat precedent as a "miserable failure".
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Bandit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-19-04 07:20 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Bush* is responsible for losing over 300 jobs an hour ever since he was
selected. Almost the negative image of Clinton. In fact he has tried so hard to be the "Un-Clinton" it is ridiculous.
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