And I hope that people over at quote me on this one:
We can be assured that, if tehy ever find WMD and/or find Osama bin Laden, they will NOT announce either - repeat, will NOT announce either - until the time is either opportune (that is, right before the election) or when they need a distraction (such as another O'Neill coming out).
They could have found WMD a month ago; they might have found Osama in Feb. of 2002 for all we know; but until the climate is just right, the news won't come out.
(though I don't think there are WMD at all, so we need not worry about it, unless, of course, we plant them there ourselves; and I also don't think we have Osama. But there's part of that thinks we're gonna find Osama - "miraculously" - on or about Nov. 1)