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reporting from OUR Nation's Capital....JFKerry caucus PARTY !!!

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diamond14 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-20-04 12:55 AM
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reporting from OUR Nation's Capital....JFKerry caucus PARTY !!!
and what a celebration....'styersc' on this board wrote a note last night, coming to DC from NC on we had a Kerry volunteer from NC join us....I don't know how I found 'styersc' in such a big party....but we bumped into each other...just that was amazing!!

there were cheers, accidental breaking glass, screams, yells, hoots, jumping up and down....we worked so hard.....we fought the good fight and we WON !!!! Many are now hoping that Kerry decides that Edwards will be his VP....we are moving's a great night for America...Kerry will beat bush*....and Kerry gave a good message to in DC, we never get to meet the NH, or IOWA Kerry Volunteers, but we talk to them, and know them in a certain it was GREAT to see them all on TV...

some think that Kerry's win just happened...but WE KNOW !!!!
Kerry beat Dean 38% to 18%, so much 'Dean will win' was just media spin, because bush* wants to run against Dean, and is fearful he will loose to Kerry....we hope the Dean supporters will now join us in defeating bush*...many Dean supporters are young people, and this may be your first defeat....but like sports, it's best to wish the winner well and conceed in a dignified manner (and Dean didn't do that)....time to heal the Democratic Party, pull together...time to help Kerry/Edwards beat bush*....we welcome all Dean-supporters to the Kerry campaign....quite a few young people joined us old people in the last few weeks...isn't it time that you did too??

Thousands of hard-working Kerry volunteers have been running a 24/7 major operation here in DC...providing full background support to the Iowa Kerry volunteers....

such a GREAT team....we KNEW Kerry would win...every single indication was that Kerry was ahead starting about three weeks ago...but the media spun heavily for Dean, hoping that would help Dean, and allow bush* to beat Dean easily...we laughed at Tucker gasping for air on TV tonight...the new realization the bush* is going to face Kerry almost choked Tucker.....Kerry is the only person who will beat bush* and send him back to that hypocritical 'prairie chapel ranch' in Crawford Texas...forever.....

it's time's time to put a DECORATED VIETNAM WAR VETERAN in the White House to lead OUR that AWOL bush* out...

we're back to work tomorrow....please join us...

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pasadenaboy Donating Member (877 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-20-04 01:06 AM
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Edited on Tue Jan-20-04 01:07 AM by pasadenaboy
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Moderator DU Moderator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-20-04 01:09 AM
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