You see, like many human endeavors, Totalitarianism is like unto a jello. It will fit into whatever shape it needs to fill the mold out.
Or one might say, humans are desperate and crafty creatures. If one avenue is open to a desired goal, a human being...any human being just about...would go to great lengths to find another way to achieve that goal. If one does not exist they will invent one to match the exigencies of the current situation.
If you've ever read "Farenheit 451" or "1984" or just viewed the histories of Totalitarian nations from the 20th Century onward, you'd know that control of media has been a cornerstone of sezing control since then.
But of course, American mores (even bent out of shape as they are now by an uninformed, lazy, and apathetic citizenry) would not countenance storming into the stations and seizing them.
You are correct about Liberal Talk Radio is that, like last time, liberals have been blindsided by the rise of a brand new Totalitarianism. Read what's going on in Russia now that Putin is reading straight from the Bush Playbook (only it's already much further along over there because the Soveit Union has no 225-year tradition of Liberty and Freedom to slow him down) of "Managed Democracy" (read the editorial condemnations of Putin's Russia...they are critiques that could easily be talking about Imperial Amerika).
In Russia, the Liberals are on the Right (Google "The Union of Right Forces"). It doesn;t matter where the liberals are on the spectrum. Totalitarians hate them and wish them to be silent. Check out what is happening in Russia under Putin lately. Just a bit more advnaced than we are now. Amerika 2020, perhaps.
I wonder why Donahue got cancelled although it had higher ratings than Hardball. A puzzlement. Or perhaps not.
The bottom line: Mission accomplished. Totalitarian Talk Radio...99% Bushevik, 1% opposition (if that). Do you really think, particularly now when there is so much "Bush Hatred" that there would be no market for this?
No, Liberals here did not deign to do Nazi-style (I=and here I merely refer to the style and virulence of demonization propaganda, not to their specifici policies and violence) Talk Radio. By and large I think they did not recognize the resurgenece and most especially the success of such Goebblesian strategies, early on when they might have combatted it
Now the media consolidated, the megaphones almost all held by Busheviks or those afraid of getting a blast from the Mighty Wurlitzer (like CBS).
Seize the megaphones. ALWAYS a cornerstone of Modern Totalitarian Control.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...