ShotGun Intimidation
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Tue Jan-20-04 01:07 PM
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U.S. Rep Costello has called for impeachment hearings against U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney during Congress' session that begins today.
Costello questioned the award of billions of dollars of contracts to Cheney's former corporation Haliburton to extinguish fires and rebuild Iraq's oil infrastructure after the war.
"Can you imagine what the Republicans would be doing to a Democratic president who was a CEO of a company that now has gotten billions of dollars worth of contracts -- no-bid contracts -- without competition?" Costello was quoted as saying.
The Los Angeles Times reported Saturday that Cheney spent last week duck hunting in Louisiana with one of the Supreme Court Justices who may decide the case -- U.S. Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia.
Costello, who serves on the energy subcommittee, was elected to Congress in 1988.
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Tue Jan-20-04 01:52 PM
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1. Ask ANYONE, Dem or GOP, if it is a COINCIDENCE that Cheney is the |
Veep and that the iraq rebuild and oil contracts went to Halliburton.
Just ask em. Anyone. NO one, GOP or Dem will say NO.
NO one.
It really just kinda shuts up the Gopers.
They will however attempt to change the subject.
Good fun though.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:30 AM
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