Bush AOL poll numbers... ;:o)
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Tue Jan-20-04 09:29 PM
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Bush AOL poll numbers... ;:o) |
Remember, AOL is mostly * Country
How do you rate Bush on Iraq? Good 45% Poor 43% Fair 12% How do you rate Bush on the war on terror? Good 49% Poor 30% Fair 21% How do you rate Bush on the economy? Poor 47% Good 38% Fair 15% How do you rate Bush overall? Good 46% Poor 43% Fair 11% Total Votes: 184,477 Note on Poll Results
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Tue Jan-20-04 09:33 PM
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"Busch totaly RAWKS!!!!!!!!!111!" - an actual simulated AOLer quote
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Tue Jan-20-04 09:38 PM
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2. And the AOL polls are notoriously skewed to the right |
I suspect the real numbers would be MUCH worse for Bush in a "scientific" survey.
AOL users are pretty much conservative middle class America.
But I guess that is changing.
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Tue Jan-20-04 10:08 PM
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3. And here's another one |
from AOhelL: How would you describe the speech? Convincing40% Full of bad ideas28% Boring16% Dramatic but not totally persuasive15% Is President Bush leading the country in the right direction? No54% Yes46% What should be Bush's top priority? Economy53% National security28% Health care15% Iraq5% Total Votes: 17,942
Considering that AOL runs 2-1 repug in general, this doesn't bode well for Chimpy!
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Tue Jan-20-04 10:11 PM
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4. Nobody said stopping steroid use in athletes |
should be top priority?
What's wrong with these people?
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:33 AM
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