I'm listening to BBC World Service. A few minutes ago this a-hole by the name of Timothy Spangler was on. At the end of the segment, they said he represented this group. He was a classic smug-ass, arrogant Repub in expressing his views (especially SOTU and ME). A little google led me to their site.
From their website (
<During the 2000 election, President George W. Bush carried the state of Florida on the 5,700 net vote yield from Republicans overseas thanks to a massive international advertising campaign and strong grassroots leadership on the part of Republicans Abroad. In addition, Republicans won two Senate seats and six seats in the U.S. House of Representatives because of Republican absentee ballots cast from overseas.
Republicans Abroad members are vital to the ability of the Republican Party to represent the concerns of Americans abroad to our nation's leaders while helping the Party to win close elections with the absentee ballots.>
If you don't mind that "soiled" feeling, check out their links section, and scroll down to "news links". If this is where these people get their news, well, it's self-explanatory.