- I think its amazing that he avoided the fact that over 300,000 + new unemployment claims are made each week, and that the economy can not produce an increase in net jobs.
- There have been so many lies told by this "integrity" president that it doesn't matter what he said. Follow the facts. My favorite moment was when our leader stated that he received a letter from a "two year old girl" and immediateley changed it to a ten year old. This guy has been practicing this speech since before Christmas and still screwed it up. I am giving him an "F"
- I strongly disagree that Bush is one of the greatest presidents we have had. In fact Bush is by far one of our worst presidents in history. He dragged us into a war with no legitimate justification other than finishing off what his dad didn't do in Iraq. More and more people are out of work every day. He spends money worse than any Democrat in history. He wants to allow illegal aliens in this country to work. Oh, and to pay for all this he cut taxes on the wealthy.
- Why doesn’t someone in his administration coach him to say “nuclear” instead of “nucular”? It makes him sound ignorant…what kind of example is that to set for our children?
- speech was almost Shakespearean....
"A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
- A "C." I was hoping Bush would grasp for greatness. He could talk about reaching out to Europe and Japan, to Africa and Latin America. Some vision of world prosperity that would counter the terrorism, the empty wars, the racism, hatred and horror that absorbs much of the world and the energies of its peoples.
- I didn't think much of the speech until Bush got to the part where he pleaded with professional athletes to please, please, pretty please stop using those bad ol' steroids. Then I knew he had the vision to lead this country to somewhere or something.